RonJon Wants To Know: Why Is The Government Rushing To Vaccinate Everyone? | Talking Points Memo

The bridge to nowhere option.


It’an impressive feat for RonJon to stand still and hold a mask. Walking and chewing gum would be asking too much of the poor man


I would like to take this time to remind a few people that the next time you’re exasperated with Dems in Congress for not doing something, or not doing it fast enough, please remember how totally inane Ron Johnson is. And though he maybe the extreme example there are others, and our folks have to try and get stuff done in spite of their folks not being capable of walking an chewing gum at the same time.


It’s obvious. It’s making him money. That’s all these people care about.

I took my vaccination card to OfficeMax and got it copied and got the copy laminated.


But Republicans and their base think that since we did that, and it didn’t work then why keep doing that. They don’t admit to themselves that there were people who continued to travel, sometimes it was essential, or not. They think that if they lived in some small county on KS or MO where they know most everyone then they weren’t going to catch the virus because they’re not like the ones that were getting sick. I can’t explain it any other way.


One feature of Texans that I usually love is their unshakeable optimism. When we moved to Austin from depressed rural New England in the late 90s, it was like we landed on Planet Sunshine. I loved it. I basked in it. I still do, when I’m back there.

But, a few months after we moved there, the Aggie Bonfire Collapse killed 12 great college kids and, after a moment’s grief, the people around me all around me were so gratified that this tragedy had brought us all together in some beautiful harmony. This switch took no time at all.

CREE-PY. Uh, there are still 12 kids who died over a stupid ceremony for a football game, right?


Did you wipe it down after they handed it back to you? (<- gentle ribbing)

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Ted Nugent kept blabbering that the pandemic was a figment of someone’s fevered brain. That it was a hoax and did not exist.
Guess who has covid now…


Soon there will be a black market in fake vaccine cards. Mark it.



There’s a scam for everything. Hell, we even elected a scam artist as president. Remember that fabulous infrastructure bill that was gonna be detailed for us in two weeks… … three years ago.


Not a nice way to talk about Biden.

Johnson is a clear and present danger to national security. This deranged insult to the very concept of self governance has access to high level intelligence. He needs to be committed to a psychiatric institution before US democracy implodes under the weight of his simpering petulance.


The overwhelming question here really is: why did the former administration and all of the GOP insist on politicizing a pandemic and making it harder for the country to stay alive and to get out of the situation?

That’s the only question that people should be asking.


I’m talkin’ POTUS#45 not #46.

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It reminds me of the kinds of questions people asked in freshman year, sitting around the dorm late on a Saturday night. Some people never grow up.


Teacher: “There are no dumb questions.”

Ronald: “Why do we vaccinate everyone against a deadly virus.”

Teacher: “I was wrong.”


They’ll just tell you that you’re dwelling too much, that life goes on, and give God thanks that you and yours are safe. I’m not going to call what they have is faith, or at least not what I would call faith.
Do you remember Penny from “O Brother, Where Art Thou”? She has this line: “I’ve spoken my piece, and counted to three”, this resonates with me because of the deeply conservative people I’ve met.