RonJon Wants To Know: Why Is The Government Rushing To Vaccinate Everyone? | Talking Points Memo

Same here with the first one. Second is scheduled in two weeks. It’s no big deal, why the hell do the GQP-ers whine like babies so much?

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Because it appeals to their whiny little baby base. Honestly. Some of these folks I know haven’t gotten past their junior high behavior and they’re in their 60s.

And then they wonder why I won’t talk to them anymore.


OT This is barbaric.


That is more of an involuntary emotional reaction. It needs to be accounted for. I have never avoided a shot or a blood test, but it was always a challenge. My phobia came from when I was a teen and an army tech “tore” me up on a very simple tetanus shot. Being a military dependent, I was used to both needles and guns. But that incident left a life long mark. The phobia is not a political decision in process. I am much better now but at times it comes back to taunt me.


And we would be performing a disservice to society buy giving them a truthful answer beyond “you figure it out”.

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I can’t keep up with who’s the dumbest Republican politician. :roll_eyes: It’s so close!

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And that’s why I can’t help them - it’s not a lack of compassion. Something like that needs to be worked through on a personal level. No outsider can assist with that.

Me too. But, i survived 45 minutes with two needles stuck to the back of my left eye to mitigate a macular (mother) pucker. One to inflate the eye while the other sucked out the detached vitreous membrane. That was lots of fun. And i have a spinal tap scheduled in three weeks. Looking forward to that, as well. Put the two together and you get The deeper the incision, the better the vision, or so the doc said.


Makes me feel ill to think about that!


Yes, and, predictably, a 6-3 decision …


Yesterday, I was in downtown Chicago for the first time in a year. I went to the great Monet exhibit at the Art Institute. COVID protections make it feel like a private show.

On my walk back to the train I passed the Federal building and outside in the glorious spring weather a federal judge was making citizens of immigrants. They stood and vowed to take measures protect our country as soldiers and private citizens.

I thought of all the entitled antivaxxers and wished they had to take such an oath.


I wonder if he has resumed his hobby of licking doorknobs.

The quality of the individual giving the shot makes a huge difference.


If the court were expanded to 13 it would have been 7-6.


Can someone please post a list of the things Senator Johnson has done to help people during this pandemic?

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It doesn’t matter if they kill off supporters as long as the check clears the bank before they go…

Sorry. But, it was that, or look out at the world as if it was illustrated by Dr. Seuss. Nothing was vertical. Straight lines were right out. Lamp posts looked pregnant. Actually, everything looked pregnant. Quite freaky! No special drops or notes involved, either. No pregnant rhino’s, for that matter, but that’s probably a good thing. That would have been a most unfortunate flashback.


I usually say that there are no stupid questions, just unasked ones and unanswered ones.

But there is a third category I have overlooked: moronic questions from RonJon.

I stand corrected.


I teach people of this age. Now I have another reason to despise them. Decent people should shun the horrible six.


Put it together, and WI voters should demand No Mo’ Ron.