RonJon Wants To Know: Why Is The Government Rushing To Vaccinate Everyone? | Talking Points Memo

Today I heard of a vax-hesitant lady who is just terrified of needles, phobic, really. I forgot about them.

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Wish us luck and minimal exposure to any more scandals. It’s truly getting monotonous.

I hope to still be here next year to vote for her and the other Dems. November may be stretching it a bit.

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Yep, there are more than a few of those, I’m sure.

They have to figure out if it’s worth the risk. I can’t help them.


Somebody had to fill Dana Rohrabacher’s vacant space.


Yes, that is an obvious and fair point. But as the story implies, demand in specific parts of the country are just not happening.

This will all play out as predicted. By politicizing this disease, and even flirting with anti-vaxxing, the Republicans will end up prolonging the crisis infecting millions and killing thousands more of their own supporters.


Maybe thousands.

If I told you once, I’ve told you a million times: don’t exaggerate… :innocent:


Unfortunately, puny putin isn’t paying his damn salary, nor his health insurance. The bitch needs to determine who he works for! If he wants to work for puny putin, then he should relocate his sick white racist ass to the kremlin!

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I’m needle phobic, and told the guy who vaccinated me I didn’t want to even see the needle, and he obliged.

Vaxed now.


There’s a delightful John Scalzi novella called “The President’s Brain Is Missing” that predates TFG. It was a delightful audiobook listen for me some months ago. Highly recommended.


Same here. Told the nurse right upfront and she did the same, kept it out of view.


shorter version; even Harvard has advanced ‘under water basket weaving degrees’

Yes, I will adjust. Originally I was mentioning infections, then state the number of deaths. But then discobot ate my comment. I drew it up again, but sloppily.

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Nap time


Ditto. Barely felt the jabs. Superb, both times.


Yup. Given that it just was made available to everyone in most places, we’re too early to have peaked if the demand was there. This is quite troublesome.

I expect it’ll be big business that pushes this over the finish line. They don’t want to have breakouts in their facilities which harm productivity, and as the availability gets out there, the patience with “rewarding” unvaccinated folks by keeping them remote will wear very thin.


Because he can’t get it up anymore, she’s not allowed to sleep in the same room with him (not that she wants to).

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Doesn’t need to be a specific woman. They are all judges, one way or another.

And it will be a “conspiracy” they can blame Democrats for. “Why are only conservatives being stricken?”


Homage is paid daily.

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I said to both of my jabbers “wow. You’ve done that before.” They both laughed.

I know at one place they put one half of the bandaid on your arm before they jab, inject, and then fasten the rest of the bandaid.

It’s not about efficiency. It’s just that so many people don’t bleed, they often don’t know where to put the bandaid after the shot.