RonJon Wants To Know: Why Is The Government Rushing To Vaccinate Everyone? | Talking Points Memo

I’m using a fairly old prototype.

With newer equipment you gain something in resolution – but not that much.

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How? Or where?

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Except “affect” is also used as a noun, as when you learn about “flat affect” as a symptom of depression, autism, schizophrenia, etc.

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Funny, I don’t recall my going pant-less up until my third child was born. But I must’ve because… I have three kids.

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Gonna miss our russkie friends next month.

Or is 55 Ulitsa Savushkina ponying up for a Prime membership?


Trying to define affect had no effect, I see.


Not in public, no.


Part of the loss was due to the tea party wave in the first of the two elections. Also, Scotty was in charge of Wisconsin politics for the second election.

Another wave washes over Russ Feingold (

We are of a mind here in Wisconsin that we need to put up newer, younger candidates with fresh faces, rather than to run Feingold again, even though Feingold is still popular

Russ Feingold keeps double-digit lead over Ron Johnson in new poll | News |

This article gives some information as to the machinations for Dem Senate in Wisconsin

In part because Johnson is such an appealing opponent for Democrats, the field of candidates hoping to take him on keeps growing. Alex Lasry, who moved to the state several years ago to become an executive with the Milwaukee Bucks, entered the race early, and has been fundraising and building up support. Tom Nelson, a county executive, has been trying to position himself as a longtime politician reborn as the Bernie Sanders–style candidate in the race. Sarah Godlewski, the state treasurer, jumped in last week, declaring, “Ron Johnson hasn’t just lost touch with Wisconsinites; he’s lost touch with reality.” Several others have expressed interest, including longtime moderate Representative Ron Kind, whose decision may be bound up in whether state Republicans try to gerrymander his district so much that his reelection becomes impossible. More are likely to emerge.

Will Ron Johnson Run for Senate? Who Would Oppose Him? - The Atlantic


I guess Wisconsin dairy farmers should stop vaccinating their cows. Should be able to cut their costs and make cheese cheaper too. Win-win. Why didn’t Ron think of this sooner?


Reminds me of a line from MASH

Hawkeye is recounting a dream-like incident where they come across Frank Burns washed up on a beach, and someone (his mother?) says “don’t touch it! The dullness will rub off on you”


A LOT of KOCH money was involved and while Snott Wanker and his gang of thugs were running the state (gang of thugs still are in the Leg.) the KOCH operation had free rein in the state.


Only one way to find out - we have to try this in the real world. In the name of SCIENCE!

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Oh, Right Wing Nut Jobs / Right Wing Nazi Jerks. (looked it up)

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Well now he and Melania have all the time in the world to get to know each other and deepen their marriage.


Not only does Wisconsin deserve better, ALL Americans deserve better representatives.

Texas deserves better than Ted Cruz, Missouri deserves better than Josh Hawley and that is just the beginning. How about Louie Gohmert? Matt Gaetz? Gym Jordan? Paul Gosar? Devin Nunes? and many, many more.

America deserves to have a Senate and House that is occupied by bright, articulate, honest leaders who will work together to live up to our ideal of “one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”


Poor Gohmert - losing his crown at this point in his career.


The Gates vaccine enables those forehead laser “thermometer” guns to read your thoughts and alter them.


I suspect he would argue that the Flinstones were better off, technologically speaking, than the Jetsons.

Pernicious overgrowth has to be cut out root and branch.

And Eugenics gets a bad rap.

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