RonJon Wants To Know: Why Is The Government Rushing To Vaccinate Everyone? | Talking Points Memo

Why doesn’t this sick white racist piece of shit, just shut the fuck up? He isn’t making any meaningful contributions to the covid epidemic at all. He us totally, useless!

Johnson said, “So if you have a vaccine, quite honestly what do you care if your neighbor has one or not? What is it to you?”<<

So the question that needs to be asked is “Why does Ron Johnson hate Jesus:

Matthew 22:36-40
King James Version

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.


Others* want to know when RoJo is going to change his name to Pennywise, move to Derry, Maine and take dance lessons?

*Possibly just me.


He is. He works for Putin, so sowing discord and undermining the response here is part of his job description.


"Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is just asking questions.

Why are we vaccinating people so quickly? Does everyone really need it? Could this all be a leftist plot to take control?

In an interview first noticed by Forbes, Johnson told right-wing Wisconsin radio host Vicki McKenna on Thursday, “Why is this big push to make sure everybody gets a vaccine, to the point where you’re gonna impose it, you’re gonna shame people.”
… … … …
There really should be an intelligence test that members would be required to pass before being seated in Congress.
No one is requiring vaccination but it is a damned good idea to not want a deadly virus. Unless one is RonJon and dumb beyond belief.
I could explain it all in simple cartoon images for RonJon such that his head won’t hurt from information overload. But he may not understand even then. I have never seen a member of our government this stupid. Even Louie Gohmert isn’t this stupid and that right there is sayin’ somethin’.
This sort of blabbering is risking lives. People on the low information end of things will trust what this idiot says.
OK Ron… I will distill it into very simple words for you (I hope someone in his office reads the commentary here) … …

Vaccination against covid-19 means avoiding illness and possible death.

The quicker we can do it the sooner the pandemic will end

So it’s a very good idea to take advantage of a free vaccination.
It’s not a leftist plot to rule the world.
It’s not an attack on your freedom.
But if you are RonJon saving lives is a bad idea apparently.


Obviously, not going to be the most important thing on your mind, but generally, if it’s a noun, it’s going to be “effect” and if it’s a verb, it’s going to be “affect.” Of course, then there’s “The affect of RoJo’s vacant stare effected rumors that the Kremlin lobotomy was a success…”


Senator Ron Johnson is the village idiot of village idiots. He need to pull his head out of his ass and resign.

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I wouldn’t have a problem with him going to Maine…

Or to Mars…

Just get him the hell out of WI.


trust Dr. Fauci,” Johnson told McKenna. “Eh, sorry. I’ve got my doubts.”

So do a lot of fucking imbeciles. No surprise Johnson’s one of them.

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It is. Right-wing authoritarian governments are teetering from this crisis, some will fall.

Personally, can’t wait to see the no-shirt, no shoes, no vaccination passport, no service signs popping up.


RoJo is an example of someone who got handed his business success.
I was just reading another article about MTG
And surprise surprise, another govt. hating asshole who was helped to make a living by fleecing and ‘farming’ the govt. for their profits.

I am not saying that all capitalists aren’t somehow taking advantage of people for money, if not actually FLEECING people. It is the nature of business, but I know SOOO many democratic types who actually make their money by adding value. By providing a good service in return for fair pay or decent profit. Conversely, I have a tough time finding any R who points to their Business Chops who isn’t basically running a scam or using a grooved/legal process for extracting dollars from customers OR draining the govt. coffers like a vampire.

Sure enough, MTG fits this like a glove. Read down, you can see that she was very much an absentee business operator, even though she wants full credit for being a Businesswoman.


You should just be grateful for the cat adopting you.


Not only is Ron dull, he is the cause of dullness in others.


Once again Johnson reminds us why he is considered the Senate’s "village idiot.


Amazing the recent advances in fMRI technology.


Only making an effort to vaccinate the smart ones, RonJon, so no worries.


This is exactly it. It’s amazing we’ve held her back and a virus hasn’t decimated us for a hundred years. Meanwhile, the morons benefit from technology and medicine they don’t understand and now actively fight with all the fury of Wile E. Coyote sawing away at the branch he’s standing on.


Mars Hill is actually in Maine and is where the sun first shines on the US for part of the year.


I’d certainly be ok with sending him anywhere where the sun doesn’t shine.


How on earth did Russ Feingold lose to Ron Johnson…twice!

If Democrats fail to take back Ron Johnson’s Senate seat in 2022, then Chuck Schumer must resign his leadership position. The Democrats should be sweeping into the Senate majority and yet McConnell’s mob holds on. Schumer needs to face the music if he and Democrats don’t take a solid majority in the Senate in 2022. Time for some accountability at the top…with Schumer and Pelosi.