Ron Johnson And Ted Cruz Met With Trucker Convoy Organizers

It seems Russia’s main exports to the world are Gas, vodka, mail order brides, and GOP talking points.

— Chicano Marine 🇲🇽🇺🇸💙 (@kingsrush) March 8, 2022

Johnson also thinks that Chiselin’ Trump is powerful. So, there’s that.


Three days into a handful of truckers’ effort to circle the Capital Beltway to protest COVID-19 mandates, leaders of the so-called “People’s Convoy” met with Sens. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) to vow that truckers won’t back down until vaccine mandates in the country end.

“What do we want?” “POLIO” “When do we want it?” “NOW!!!”

“We’re going to keep looping the Beltway until we’re heard,” Brian Brase, a truck driver from northwest Ohio who is leading the trucker convoy, told reporters following the group’s meeting with Johnson and Cruz, according to the Washington Post. “We’re not going anywhere.”

We’re not going anywhere at all, in any kind of context…

Cruz and Johnson reportedly praised the convoy members during the meeting.

“God bless all of you,” Johnson said, according to the Post. “I think your stories are so powerful.”

I’m not sure what is powerful about a “story” that whines, “I don’ wanna git a shotttttt”

Brase signaled convoy members’ intention to prolong their presence in the D.C. area, and hope to meet with more lawmakers on the Hill.

“We could go indefinitely right now if that’s what it takes,” Brase said, according to the Post. Brase reportedly claimed that the group had more meetings later Tuesday, but did not go into detail.

Seriously…do they really think that even this Congress would pass a bill that bans vaccine mandates? Welcome back polio (as previously mentioned), et al!

Brase has maintained that there are no plans for the convoy to head into D.C. itself. Organizers told the New York Times that they didn’t want people to drive into the Capital on Sunday because there were concerns that some participants could create the type of chaos that broke out during last year’s deadly Capitol insurrection.

And those National Guards might shoot a lot quicker this time


Yes. Powerfully stupid stories from powerfully stupid people.


One has to wonder if these two useless “representatives of the people” could not find something productive to do with their time.


“Nobody told me that I’d have to sit right next to Rafael.”


People Are People Too

Stop Daylight Savings Time nationally

Last one

It’s going to be a shocker/another opportunity for fund raising, when they decide they’ve had enough and want to get back home.

Look truckers, if ya don’t wanna wear a mask then don’t. But you should not expect me to pay your hospital bill. You are big boys. Make sure your insurance is paid up
And not wearing that mask shows you don’t care about others nor even yourself. And you will not learn this life lesson until you are hospitalized on a ventilator.


This cretin makes the other truckers sound rational and informed.


Back out at the Trucker Convoy today, this woman explains what she learned from Gen Flynn at the QAnon conferences. We hear that Trump signed something important at Mt. Rushmore, the Rothschilds started the Civil War, and the US became a corporation in 1871.

— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) March 8, 2022

They did that nonsense in Canada and my question was, how TF are you paying for that $250K Peterbilt if you aren’t hauling?


Hey Hey Ho Ho Seatbelt Laws Have Got To Go*

*Overheard at next trucker convoy rally


Not even Rand fucking Paul!


I’ll bet anyone $100 right now that Ted Cruz has never so much as driven a stick shift in a car with 3 gears let alone an 18 wheeler. Yeah he has a clue what it’s like for truckers.


That’s it!

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Bad timing. Hard to grab a headline right now. If they paid attention to anything at all they might have figured that one out.


Cretin indeed … you got that right.
I would think the first clue would come from…

Qanon. Yep that right there is a quality information source anyone can trust and believe…



If anyone has the ability to see Squidbillies (I believe Season 6, Episode 10) there is a really funny episode called Trucked Up!
Starring: “The Scrambler”

If you remember Convoy, Smokey And The Bandit etc. I found it hilarious. “They say it can’t be done” is a great line in it. It remains the one and only Squidbillies episode I have ever watched, not usually my kind of thing. And I don’t want to go watch any other episodes for fear it will spoil this little gem.


But did they jump into a cab and toot the horn like TFG?


Shouldn’t that read “anals of pettiness”?