Republicans Pushing To Investigate Jan 6 Investigators All Played Parts In Efforts To Overturn 2020 Election

b-but his he-man beard! can it be?


I grew a beard a few times in my life. The second day in May always told me long enough. A beard in DC or OK ?

OF COURSE they did. After they ran and hid and whined and sniveled they stood right up and swore fealty to the Orange Menace! They are despicable.


I have read elsewhere that the MAGA crowd anticipated “Antifa” would be at the Capitol on January 6. What they forgot was that for everyone else who wasn’t a crazed Trump die-hard, the electoral vote count was just a boring congressional ceremony that doesn’t really decide the election.


A new board game from Parker Bros. Fun with Seditionists Holding Public Office.


I’m looking forward to the Geraldo special in which he unveils the watery vault under Mar-a-Lago.


One might also suppose the Anteefers’d be the main ones who were clubbing cops, breaking windows, and generally starting shit. In other words, the folks who have already been arrested (and some of them tried and convicted) and are “political prisoners” every other day of the week to Greene & Co. Ought not to be hard to locate, since they’re already sitting in the clink. :thinking: Maybe that maff ain’t maffin’, Marj!


It’s a new fashion trend, and not just on the Right. Some say it started during the Pandemic, I think it started well before 2020.

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May I be first?

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Fashion, shashion. Hot weather and a beard are pure bonehead.

Speaking as a “WTF is fashion” specialist.

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Next, they’ll post clips from the 1939 Madison Square Garden rally, showing how an NYPD mob stormed onstage to disrupt the legitimate expression of opinion of the Saalschutz as they peacefully objected to a Jewish protestor.


I hear it pays well.

** See also… “Icarus”


Well, he played the banjo. I always knew he was a great guy, deep down.


Finland is currently engaged in a “hybrid war” with Russia, which is busing undocumented people from third countries, including Iraq, Yemen and Somalia, to the Finnish border. The rules say you must enter by vehicle, so Russian officials are driving the migrants to points near border crossings and equipping them with bicycles and kickscooters. The scheme is about the same as the one used on Norway a couple years ago. The idea apparently is to put Finland in a lose-lose situation. Finland violates international rules if it rejects “asylum” seekers, but has to overturn its own immigration policy if large numbers cross. Many of the migrants say they are responding to information from Arabic social media channels. It is almost impossible that any of these people entered and transited Russia without documents, suggesting they are dumping their papers (or having them confiscated) just before entering Finland. Most have cellphones suggesting they are still paying a phone bill somewhere. And all of this is happening at temperatures well below freezing.


So now we are back at them being Antifa? What happened to they’re all patriots that Trump will pardon and the performative jail cell with the MAGA guy inside. Not to mention all the J6ers claiming that Trump sent them?


In any case, I believe the leading “conservative” theory of elections is that Kamala Harris should be able, by the power of her office, to [bravely] select the winner of the election.


Thank you for the chuckle. I needed it. We all needed it.


And that’s the part that is so alarming. It is almost Stockholm Syndrome that the very people who were the subjects of the attack deny that it was what we clearly saw it was. They are so determined to maintain power that they will lie and deceive about what they clearly experienced.


It is too late now for the congressional Republicans. The cases have already been brought and they are going to work through the system. Over a thousand of their footsoldiers are already in prison. I hope the rest go soon.