Republicans Pushing To Investigate Jan 6 Investigators All Played Parts In Efforts To Overturn 2020 Election

Counting of electoral votes (January 6-7, 2021) - Ballotpedia

They must have gotten the idea from Gov. DeSantis.


Pretty good hangover soup as well…

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Thanks Liz Cheney for denying the J6C from going after elected officials who participated in the coup.
She was probably not the only one who was reluctant to do so, but reports from inside the J6C said she was the main obstacle. Also, she did her best to rehab every R who testified during the public hearings…mostly because she wanted to win re-election and wanted to run for Prez as an R.

This is why coup plotters and participants end up dead or rotting in the lowest dungeon. No country, in all of history, can allow the snakes to remain free…and especially not to remain in office. Due process is nice and all, but now the Rs find they cannot allow the decent and innocent Rs to remain and are chasing them out of office…so it is a coup-only party now.


You realize that a significant number of Congressional Republicans were involved in the plot to overturn the election. They weren’t victims or innocent bystanders.


“I’ve said it all along, MAGA did not do this,” Greene wrote.

The denial of reality is strong with this one.


Shoulda happened already when that grounds keeper tried to flood storage room where the boxes of documents were usind a hose and water from the resort’s pool.


That’s Al Capone. I 'spose there’s a teensy bit of “good” even in the foulest people. Trump excepted methinks as he is not musically inclined.

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Doesn’t that asshat Gym Jordan have to finish his circus carnival of bullshit before they can start another one? I mean, Fox’s Ministry of Truth doesn’t have an infinite number of cameras for these fuckwads to preen in front of, do they? Or maybe Declan can claw back some of that $787B by charging the RNC for renting his “news” cameras for political stunts.


A very stern look into his eyes would probably make his eyes roll back, and he would start talking in tongues.

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As pointed out by others, the Speaker doesn’t preside over the joint session. But, unless the Speaker is overridden by some sort of rebellion within the House majority, he can keep the House from joining or rejoining the joint session, preventing the certification of an EC winner for as long as no House rebellion forces the issue. As a somewhat less extreme confrontation with the unwritten constitution, if the Speaker can keep a majority of the House together they could participate in the joint session, but then the House in its breakout sessions could refuse to certify enough EV tallies to produce the same impasse.

The point of such an impasse would be to create either civil unrest that the other side believes it can turn to its advantage, or less dramatically, to incentivize our side’s acquiescence to the contingent election thing as the means to resolve the impasse. The R candidate would presumably win if it goes to the contingent election procedure. The Rs could reasonably calculate that our side would be sufficiently frightened by the prospect of either civil unrest or the impasse continuing past Inauguration Day that we would agree to the contingent election.

So, no, the Speaker doesn’t preside over the joint session, and the House majority he leads can’t by itself certify anybody they want as president, but they could deny certification to any candidate.

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GOPpers want to expose the extreme bias of the MSM that intentionally didn’t cover the tens of thousands of people who didn’t storm the Capitol.

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One of our two major parties believes that Biden won the 2020 election and that J6 was an insurrection intended to overturn that election. The other party believes that the real insurrection happened on November 3, 2020, when a D/RINO/Deep State conspiracy stole the election from its actual winner, Trump.

It is certainly true that most office-holders and party officials in both parties refrain from statements overtly following the logic of these two core beliefs out to all of their logical consequences. Our political culture is not, especially lately, one that tends at all to force polticos into acknowledging the logical consequences of the general principles they profess.

In this case of the conflict between one party’s belief that Trump Really Won, and the other’s that Biden Won, following those beliefs out to their necessary entailments would result in one party outlawing the other. There is no way to avoid that outcome, because either the Ds engaged in a massive fraud to steal the 2020 election, or at least acquiesce in the possession of the offices gained by that theft, or the Rs tried to steal the election, if not on or leading up to J6, then very clearly as accessories after the fact since J6.

Of course the Rs want a committee to investigate the D committee that investigated J6. That J6 committee was a continuation of the crime started when the Ds plotted to steal the 2020 election. That committee and all who made its work possible are accessories after the fact to the D/RINO/Deep State conspiracy, even those who may not have participated in that conspiracy before or on November 3, 2020. However much almost all of them might be reluctant to follow the logic of Trump Really Won to that conclusion, they can of course be dragged all the way there in the end, because they have all of them participated or at least acquiesced in purging from their party any and all who deny the core credo, that Trump Really Won.

They will be dragged over that line, all of the Rs and all the way to outlawing the whole D party, if and when Trump gets a second term, because he will enforce the full logical consequences of Trump Really Won. You can’t believe that Trump Really Won without believing that our side really stole the election in 2020, and Trump’s 2025 DoJ will enforce that logic to all of its consequences.

Unless Trump gets a second term, this committee to investigate the J6 investigation is not going to be able to impose much in the way of such consequences, though you never know, maybe they will revive inherent contempt. It’s likely to all just remain kabuki short of a Trump second term. That would fit in with the kabuki from our side holding their party accountable for the actual insurrection on J6. I’m not sure it could get any more logic-denying than this idea of using the 14.3 thing to disqualify Trump for insurrection, when we won’t even go ahead and prosecute just Trump, much less his Congressional co-conspirators like Johnson, for insurrection. They tried to overthrow the govt. They got people killed in the attempt, and all we want to do is disqualify just Trump? That would be an adequate response?

I think that there is a better than 50% chance that within the next year and a half, the Rs will end up outlawing the Ds, or they will commit some further overt act so undeniably serious and threatening that we will finally get to a consensus to outlaw them. This committee they propose is far from the opening shot, the first overt act, but it should be seen as a warning that, however it may be that most of them refuse to overtly endorse the end game in their alternate universe in which Trump Really Won, they cannot and will not let go of that underlying lie even as it drags them to the abyss of investigating fellow House members as criminal oppressors of all who dare profess that Trump Really Won. They will outlaw the Ds unless stopped, and stopping them by winning the most votes in the next election is an approach that they anticipate and already have plans to not allow to succeed,


I do, and as @dicktater indicates in the post above yours, that’s all thanks to Liz Cheney that not one of them is facing so much as an indictment, let alone far worse.

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He appears rapturous, or just thinking about the Rapture.

I have a better idea. As long as we’re expelling George Santos, why don’t members of the House vote to expel all these Rethuglican miscreants who want to investigate the January 6 committee probe. Now that would be justice!

“ The Republicans Pushing To Investigate The Jan 6 Investigators All Played Parts In Efforts To Overturn The 2020 Election”

As Claud Reins’s character said in the movie Casablanca, “I’m shocked!”


Conservatives use the government to commit crimes against America, conservatives use government to cover up for the crimes they have committed against America, conservatives use the government to falsely blame their opponents for the crimes conservatives committed against America, conservatives are crooked corrupt dishonest participants in government.