Report: Trump Wants His Signature On Direct Payment Checks From Coronavirus Package

I don’t know about others, but the “checks” will surely be direct deposited in my case. So, do I get a text or email from Trump saying “A special gift to you”?


But for people who are getting checks in the mail, changing the procedure to put Trump’s signature on them is likely to delay payment even longer.


Closer to 500,000.



But even she would need a Democratic president and a Democratic House, not to mention a Democratic Senate.

If we aren’t doing what we can to register our people and get out the vote, we’re doing nothing.


Great idea. I think I’ll endorse it over to Obama’s AOTL (All On The Line) outfit.


Slightly OT. I wasn’t aware, but South Korea and the US got their first cases the same day… the difference of having a real government that fixes things and one that is focused on cultivating the image of the Dear Leader and find who to blame.

Jeremy Konyndyk, who led the US government’s response to international disasters at USAid from 2013 to 2017, frames the past six weeks in strikingly similar terms. He told the Guardian: “We are witnessing in the United States one of the greatest failures of basic governance and basic leadership in modern times.”


My first thought when I read this was, “I’m so glad I have direct deposit!” It’s a small blessing that I won’t have anything tainted with his signature scrawling of what could easily pass for a seismograph readout.

It’s pretty galling, though, because there’s a lot of morons out there that will think he’s personally giving them the money. Hopefully they’ll be stupid enough to instead frame the check as a memento and never cash it.


I more than agree with @irasdad. I feel the pain as well. And the consuming anger at trump, his enablers and all who support this evil fuck.
keep you head up, your door closed and your powder dry @brooklyndweller, stay distant, stay healthy.


Bruno Hauptmann the murderer of Charles Lindbergh’s son was impressed by the number of $1.00 checks he was receiving while in jail.
They had to explain to him that people just wanted his autograph on the cancelled checks. They would be valuable collectors items after he got to “ride the thunderbolt”!


What does the law say about using federal funds for campaign purpose?


Against the law


Donald J. Trump: The baby at every baptism. The bride at every wedding. The corpse at every funeral. The anus at every asshole.


Some little hustler used-car salesman once all but pushed me into some cheapie Mitsubishi compact with this absurd “spoiler” and insisted I just drive it around the block so to shut him up I drove the piece of shit around the block. When I came back he ran up all smiles and asked me what I thought. I said I thought it was pretty much a poor man’s mid-life crisis car. You should have seen his face. That guy was a person of dignity compared to Trump.


And how about some screeching (a la Fox and GOP) about the hours of waiting on the phone or online to file unemployment benefits. I’m reading HOURS of waiting and computer freezes. Why does the entire country hear the GOP screaming (e.g., Obamacare computer glitch) but this goes unremarked, as does the perennial question: How are you going to pay for it?

My mini-rant for the morning (whew, just under the noon bell).



Who is behind All On The Line?

All On The Line is a campaign of the National Redistricting Action Fund (NRAF), an affiliate of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), which is chaired by Eric H. Holder, Jr., the 82nd Attorney General of the United States.

The All On The Line campaign began, in part, when NRAF combined forces with Organizing for Action, an organization founded by Obama aides that grew out of President Obama’s campaign infrastructure. The power of ordinary people coming together to enact change is central to the beliefs of President Obama and Eric Holder, and they are both active in this effort and supportive of this campaign.


You’re good, it’s only 9 am out here on the left coast :wink:


Let’s see, here is a quick estimate, currently ~1,000 dead, let’s say an 4 day average doubling rate, 32 days or 8 doublings by end of April, 8-doublings = 2^8 = factor of 256 gives you ~250,000 dead…

If it stays closer to 3 day doubling, you are looking at 1,000,000 dead by May 1st…

Looking at cases, 100,000 currently, -> end of April, we could have 25,000,000-100,000,000

Winning bigly, hugely…


But aren’t those little fingers tired from putting his signature all over the virus?


Only if you show sufficient appreciation.


Well, after all, it is the Trump Pandemic.

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