Report Reveals Alleged Actions Of Capitol Police Officers Facing Jan. 6 Discipline | Talking Points Memo

Yes. The supply of hidey holes at the Capitol is finite.


Three officers facing disciplinary action for selfies, plus one for exposing guarded information: that accounts for 4 of the 6 officers being disciplined. I’m bothered that neither the TPM article nor the original McClatchy piece explicitly state whether they have no information on the other two, or have the info and are declining to print it.


Last I checked, being MAGA wasn’t illegal. If the guy did his job, and his only offense was to blab about this, that’s not much to go off of.

That said, if there are other details that we’re not privy to, that could well change the perception.

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Great, so do you want to specifically make it a crime to disclose locations where members of Congress might want to bunker down in the future? Seems kind of overly-specific and generally not helpful, but that’s just my take.

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The officer’s friend reportedly told Capitol Police in an interview that he and the officer had been friends for 40 years, but that the officer “says enough concerning statements that I feel like I need to do this… he’s just fallen into this cult and these beliefs.” The officer denied being sympathetic to the rioters’ cause.

Jeez. That balance between 40 years of friendship and “enough concerning statements”. The concerning statements must have been real doozies.


Still haven’t found Tara Reade’s one where she canoodled with Sleepy Joe.


It’s worthy of professional reprimand, which appears to be what is happening here.


Who paid her to talk about her non-story?

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Whether we agree that keeping select information “secret,” is really best for the American people or not, the truth is that unauthorized disclosure of classified information in the United States is a crime under the Espionage Act of 1917. Those who are found in violation of this crime against the government face broad and wide-ranging criminal sanctions.

I’m not an expert on the unauthorized disclosure of classified information, but I do know the disclosure does not have to be to a foreign power and it’s not absurd to think that the secure location to which lawmakers are evacuated within the Capitol is classified, and that the public disclosure of this information could be a violation of the law. The f-bomb was certainly out of line and inappropriate.


Yup, and the guy learned a lesson on choosing friends.

Show me the classified information.

Probably nobody. She seems to have made it up all on her own, as a last-ditch attempt to derail the primary that Bernie was obviously losing.

ETA: Corrected spelling of her last name.


In a time of war fraternizing with the enemy is not regarded as “diffusing the situation”.


The Situation Room in the WH is classified. Except when the WH can publish any photos it likes taken in there. And that everyone on the planet knows about the place.

That there are hidey-holes in the Capitol ain’t exactly a secret, either. Unless he was giving his buddy a map to the place, not sure what he could say that would be of any use to anyone.

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Information can be classified, and some of that information presumably presides within the Situation Room. But physical spaces are not, themselves, capable of being classified. It may or may not be classified information that Capitol Police procedure is to evacuate members of Congress to the William Jennings Bryan Conference Room and Gift Shop, but I rather doubt it is actually classified in any way that makes the disclosure of the fact a crime (as opposed to just being a really dumb and sanctionable thing to disclose).


Though possibly in this case, especially if the officer admired the insurrectionists, he actually did want to diffuse the situation.


Here’s a view of the friendly folks peacefully waiting in line for their selfies, the room beyond is where most of those were taking place, including likely the ones that got charged.

Still want to judge the cops who had no backup and were cut off from any support in taking some steps less than literal suicide by mob?

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I’m a big fan of TPM, but they really have to get these simple grammatical mistakes under control.

Well, if nothing else, there will be six fewer cops taking selfies with magats on Sept. 18th.


Steve Hilton is one of the worst actually…altho he doesn’t manage the prominence of Grand Dragon Hannity and Exalted Cyclops Carlson. Dude will pretty much say ANYTHING and I think Faux News hands him some of the most batshit scripts to read on the theory that if you filter it through a British accent, it magically masks the eating-a-banana sound of him open-mouth chewing the guano.

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