Report: Pence To Attend Fundraiser At Club Owned By Two Gay Men

Probably attending with orders from higher up,

Yeah, Donnie has a well established routine of having his underlings do things that are at least uncomfortable, if not humiliating, for them.
It gives him pleasure in their work.


I think these gay men see ā€œclosed white right-wing Republicans dropping a lot of money in our business.ā€ I donā€™t think the Rs got a discount. And the next time somebody goes on about wedding cakes for gays, they can say, ā€œsee, we didnā€™t discriminate against the haters even though we hate their guts.ā€


Leather fundamentalist minister? (Ugh. I canā€™t believe I said that. And I canā€™t even demand the previous posters pay me for the brain bleach I desperately need now.)

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The greater good for any Republican is show them the $$$.


ā€™I will poison every second of quiet reflection that you previously enjoyed.ā€


I would reverse the order of needs to $$$ for lawsuits first and Dems 2nd.


Way too much informationā€¦ LOL (Iā€™ve never even seen a live pole dance, so you got one up on me, for sure.)


So is Pence bringing his wifey or will he be freelancing the event alone?


Definitely TMI, but Iā€™s gotsta ask!

ā€œSo, they decided to ā€œCzech you outā€?..ā€

ETA: On the Internet, nobody knows youā€™re a dog (until the photos are postedā€¦)


Iā€™d just like to know Motherā€™s opinion of all of this. Surely, she canā€™t feel good about this.

And donā€™t call me Shirley.

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Let. Him. Out. Let. Him. Out. (of the closet)

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Ahhhhā€¦The Tubes! With cudos (on this song at least) to that magnificently overproduced Phil Specter ā€œWall of Soundā€. They had a lot of fun with irony.
Because after all, What do You want from Life?

Not so fast!
That pooch looks just one or two generations away from pure Arctic Fox, and with a minuscule of luck, will go on a highly publicized chewing frenzy at the perfect moment.
Remember, Mother Nature bats last.

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This gay guy would castrate himself rather than have sex with the creature. In fact I got slightly sick to my stomach typing that.

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"What surprises me is that gay men have welcomed an aggressive homophobe into their space so he can amass power."
I know a few gay fellows who are staunchly right wing. Guess what they all have in common? Thatā€™s right! Trust Funds! Of course I have nothing to do with any of them, not because of their right wingedness, but because they laugh at poor people.


Ah yes. Miss Lindsey of the helium ankles.

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People who rant and rave against gay people usually are. And they can be very dangerous.

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Prophylactic Conversion Therapy. For those who are Definitely Not Gay.

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I think Mikey is bi-sexual . He says he doesn*t like being with other women without his wife , but does he like being with other men ?

They wonā€™t care, but it might allow a gay Republican to convince him/herself that Pence isnā€™t that anti-gay - look he patronizes gay-owned businesses. Trump does this all the time - look at my black friend, look at all these Women for Trump signs, etc.