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To find out what I can do, say @dannydorko bite me
… and a latex homosexual.
Snicker. Snicker. Snicker. pfbthththtbwahahahahahahahahahaha!
Some Bill the Cat to start, then a hint of Dr. Evil before Nelson finishing strong! You’ve taken the art to a new level, @tena.
Which just goes to show you, Pence will do anything for money. He’s basically a whore, just don’t tell mother.
Btw, thought this was kinda funny…
Yep, an all white dog with blue eyes.
Nah, just that if we get rid of Pence and Trump, Nancy is next in line. I don’t have problem with Madam President
See @daulphin’s post on this…
They’re technically not gay if they vote Republican (it’s an honorary thing, like being an honorary white person back in the South African apartheid days when visiting while black).
I am hypersensitive when it comes to the woman I think of as My Nancy. Forgive me.
Let’s hope Mother accompanies him lest he succumb to some deeper urges and fantasies.
Eh, fuck Pence. I hope he chokes on the dessert when he finds out who baked the ‘Gay’ cake.
Will he be dressed as a Cowboy, Sailor, Cop, Leather Biker, or Construction Worker while he is giving his speech? What kind of chaps?
Ya’ think that God’s gonna’ strike Mikey down for this?
Will he be dressed as
What kind of chaps?
Something big enough to tuck a few 10K into.
Eight hundred thou will be haul for this gig. He’ll need bigger chaps.
I realize I’m north of you, and Jared Huffman is my congress critter, but I share that possessive
The buttless ones. Makes for quicker quickies in the toilet stall. Where’s Larry Craig when he’s needed?
He’ll be converted if he isn’t careful!
DId you hear the one about Mike Pence wanting to be converted?
So the rugby team took him out and kicked him between the goal posts!
“Badum - tish!”
Try or TRY may refer to:
I hope not, @tena. I am not ready to see Mike Pence in a leather getup dancing rapturously with a bunch of gay ski bums (although I do hope someone gets good video). Or is his mother coming along? That might be even funnier.
Someone needs to rescue that cute dog.
The rapist may get sidetracked while he’s driving by the local junior high school. Or he may see the exits outside Denver for the Coors brewery tour and go spend a few days there.