Hey, maybe they’ll have some male strippers. That ought to get Pence’s knickers in a twist.
Winner of Gaydar Magazine’s Lifetime in the Closet Award 2018!
Gaydar Magazine gives a yearly trophy to the Republican politician who is firmly in the closet and publicly against LGBTQ rights. However, this is the first time the periodical is awarding a trophy for a lifetime of sexual repression.
CEO of Gaydar Magazine Andrew Canard explains:
Our awards committee took a long hard look at all the potentials. And then we said to each other ‘What the heck, let’s give it to Queen Pence. His record of restricting gay rights is hardwood solid. He’s Vice President. He knows how to dress himself. And he loves his mother/wife.’
Shhhh! Don’t say that too loud! Mother might hear you!
I honestly thing this story should be more about the club owners. Are they like that horrid Italian couple?
Please tour high school courses and relate this story as part of the ‘abstinence only’ program.
Would never fit in with something like that. Only broke down the barriers between groups of young men and women who barely spoke any English… So wouldn’t see it as ever promoting that at all.
Sir Michael the Diffident.
Ah, I see the distinction. I stand corrected.
And “glass closet” is a brilliant turn of phrase.
It would not surprise me if this event is cancelled. The owners of the venue will get criticism from lgbt and Pence will get criticism from the anti-gays. Either party might throw in the towel.
Oh, well, that changes everything. If the chef is a manly woman abuser, that makes up for the gay owners. /s
By the way, should we note that Mr. “I’m rich and don’t need their money so you know I’m not part of the swamp” is having $35 k per couple fundraisers in Aspen?
In my youth and middle age (Pence is closer to my son’s age than my own) it was pretty common for gay people (especially, but not exclusively, men) to effect an exaggerated right-wing political stance, including the “I’m so crazy for the opposite sex I can barely control myself” bit, as a cover. Sad even then, because most everyone knew anyway and just quietly let them do what they thought they needed to. I thought those days were pretty much past, sorry to see it continues.
Okay, I changed my mind. THAT is even UGLIER than the Dorothy morph!
Well, sure, if you’re into that sort of thing.
Never seen Pence look so happy.
I think that Pence prefers them PetrifiedStraight™.
’ Christianity ’ … it’s not just for suckers anymore —
No, it won’t. Spoiler alert - they don’t give a shit what any republican does.
As long as the owners don’t bake the cake. Will Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch and the rapist on the court be attending?