READ: House Intel Releases Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower Complaint | Talking Points Memo

It’s almost over-used at this point, but you can see the Time cover with that blurb.

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Thank you for that, precisely how it felt reading it.

I’m no expert on parliamentary procedures in the UK, but I believe that is the primary method of ̶c̶a̶n̶c̶e̶r̶ ̶r̶e̶m̶o̶v̶a̶l̶ removing a Prime Minister.

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But is Pence be dumb enough to pardon him after he resigns? No upside in doing that.


not to mention all the Gnompire hybrids running around – and the half dozen SyFy movies, including Gnompire-Nado!

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This was striking (emphasis mine):

To the best of my knowledge, the entirety of this statement is unclassified when separated from the classified enclosure. I have endeavored to apply the classification standards… and to separate out information that I know or have reason to believe is classified for national security purposes.

If a classification marking is applied retroactively, I believe it is incumbent upon the classifying authority to explain why such a marking was applied, and to which specific information it pertains.

The i’s were crossed and the t’s were dotted, because the writer knew exactly what sort of maleficence was likely to occur.


Let’s hope so- the good guys normally win in those.

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“House of Cards” comes to mind. With Trump making Kevin Spacey look good on screen and…off!

I love Wallace…and plan my day around her show.

Love her pithy & incisive analysis.


Maybe I’m just easy to impress.


The Dems got their shit together…moving seamlessly to Rep. Schiff’s hearing right now to deal with all this. It is a master move to continue exposing the level of criminality that’s been underway. Me likey.


The tRump crime family got away with it in 2016 if bothsiderism kicks in they’ll get away with in 2020. Watch the NYT; if Maggie Haberman turns on him, tRump is toast.


Hey guys, anything happen today?


“You thought flying sharks were deadly? Wait until you see the unfettered fury of the Gnompires! They talk and talk and talk, until you are numb, and then they make their move. Starring Rudy Giuliani in every single role.”


Here is the the thing. One part of my mind as I read it kept going this is nuts. It is not only a square edged series of wrong doing, these people believe their conspiracy theories hook, line and sinker. There is more than one type of problem here. And it is demonstrated in the document.


I think that he gets an incredible high from the adrenaline rush of standing on the brinking, flailing at everyone in his vicinity.

Not sure about this, but it is beginning to look like this is how it will ultimately play out.

And if he goes down in disgrace, so will his entire empire. His name is dirt – and ultimately that was the only thing he has to sell. It’s already lost market value. His Evil Spawn would also be pretty significantly neutered. And Jarvanka would have the singular notoriety for having both dads as convicts…


…or a doctor …
who took over Dr. Kevorkian’s practice?


Or her boss?

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Addicted to his own adrenaline, perhaps. That’s an interesting take.

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