READ: House Intel Releases Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower Complaint | Talking Points Memo

Who would represent him? Some people don’t deserve competent representation.

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Big fat sanctimonious turd


And think - this is the interaction between the clown car administration and one country. Their are so many other countries that they could be extorting…
I trust the finance committee will find out how much money the Trumps and Kushners owe various Russians.


call info was moved into “need to know – read into covert program only” classification

so how was it possible for anyone at the DoJ to get access in order to make the “can’t sent WB complaint to Congress” call? Who gave the DoJ people that access?


FIFY. A stable genius like that has an IQ waaaaaaay beyond the normal “high” range. :joy:


Giuliani should be arrested immediately. Barr must resign.


And it was moved to that server reserved for classified info, which the WB said is an abuse, because nothing in the call dealt with national security.

What’s telling is that White House staff and lawyers saw red flags go up everywhere.


The West Wing has turned into Rats in a Tin Can: The Musical.


Maybe Matt Gaetz can give him tips on how to be a parking lot attendant at a bar


Point being…if you’re looking for a record of what he’s said to Putin, it’s right there. Go get it, Pelosi and Co.


On what charge?

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10 points to the scriptwriters of Simulation 14355B for this build-up.

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Johnson spoke at a meeting of the 1922 Committee of Conservative MPs the morning after being branded a disgrace for dismissing concerns about his inflammatory language in light of Cox’s murder by a far-right extremist.

In the Commons on Wednesday, he told one MP that her concerns about aggressive language fuelling violence were “humbug” and another that the best way to honour Cox was to “get Brexit done”.

The prime minister addressed some of the criticism, saying there was a need to moderate violent language on all sides of the debate. But he doubled down on his language about the Benn Act (formally called the European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 2) Act 2019) to stop a no-deal Brexit, which the prime minister dubs the “surrender bill”, in spite of criticism that this paints his opponents in parliament as traitors guilty of a betrayal.

Johnson was met with shouts of “Will you apologise, prime minister?” from journalists as he left the meeting, but he walked away without commenting.

His senior adviser, Dominic Cummings, was shortly afterwards confronted on the parliamentary estate by the Labour MP Karl Turner, who said MPs including himself had received more death threats. Cummings responded: “Well, vote for a deal then.”


Stupid is a stupid does
He has a PHD in stupid


Who declassified the whistle blower’s report?


So basically, the two main accusations he’s been denying for years regarding the 2016 election, “collusion”/conspiracy to throw the election, and obstruction, are contained within this complaint, thus validating the 2016 accusations and totally discrediting his denials. Not that WE need such proof, but now the public has it. Sure, 2020 is separate from 2016. But being caught red-handed committing a crime you’ve been accused of committing in the past and have repeatedly denied having committed makes it really hard if not impossible to believe such denials.

This isn’t a smocking gun. This is legal suicide.


They likely didn’t read the transcript of the call, only the WB complaint. Barr likely avoided reading the transcript on purpose so he could base any decision he made strictly on what the whistleblower said.


Some have said he has a political death wish. I think that’s true, to a certain extent. He enjoys the kind of fighting that doesn’t involve fists. Subconsciously, perhaps, I think he manufactures something to fight against. His need for self-destruction is so large, releasing the call summary was the outcome.


Having terrible bottom teeth.


i can’t tell you how satisfying it is to see that son of a bitch go down in flames like this… an astonishing fall from his 9/11 ‘heroics’ to this… and all of the sleaze in between .