READ: House Intel Releases Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower Complaint | Talking Points Memo

Read the complaint and toss in a used diaper bucket on the flames. The stench is mighty.


ā€œVoice recognitionā€ technology.
Amazing how they assert, no tapes, no tapesā€¦which is technically correct


Itā€™s like sayingā€¦no LP, no LP
Because everything is on CD!


Well, my next door neighbor voted for FDR, so sheā€™s got us both.

Back then the voting age was 21.


Think of it as ā€œRoadmap for the Investigationā€ā€¦

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Canā€™t tell if Nunes is just doing his best to play his role ( no surprises in the contentā€¦ and it is not like he can just surrender in the opening statement of an ā€œinquiryā€) or if he genuinely swallows all of this.


Itā€™s long past the time for ā€œtrollingā€ Trump.

Keep listening to (or reading) Maguireā€™s statement.

Iā€™d be curious to know what you make of it (as written).


I just want to pat myself on the back because I sent this very thing to Josh yesterday. If they are using speech to text technology, it was very possible that a recording existed.


Do you suppose that he really believes anything that comes from his own mouth? Like, does he try to spin things to get people to see it his way, or do you think he knows that he lies? ā€“ I suppose (to answer my own question) that he wants to believe that he believes that what he says is always good and ā€œperfectā€ etc. But somewhere stuffed way down under it all is the still small voice which reminds him that he is a liar and a thief and nobody special in the least.

I hear thereā€™s plenty of space at GITMO.


Folks can assume hypocrisy but itā€™s surprising how often people, including people much smarter than Nunes, believe that kind of crap.


I do as well - especially on days like today.

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My guess is that is to help R Senators who let Chump steal from their states for Wall. Purely a CYA moveā€¦cuz doesnā€™t it seem odd that is the first thing they do when cracks start appearing in Chumpā€™s armor? There are plenty of more important things like election security, locking down our intelligence agencies from more Chump tampering, etc.

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Someone should remind him that he has veto power over impeachment.


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there is now a thread on the hearings. Hurry and you can be among the first to comment ā€“ and get another ā€œnice postā€ badge!


I feel most bad for Nunesā€™ mom and cow today.


Trump is Fucked. Although the GOP is going to say the report is BS because the Whistle blower is passing on 2nd hand accounts.

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OMG McGuire just claimed that the president has the right of refusing to hand over to congress potentially incriminating evidence of crimes he may have committed, due to executive privilege! This guy needs to be impeached IMMEDIATELY.


We may have to change Fat Nixon to Fast Nixon: ā€œhereā€™s my crime, and hereā€™s my cover-upā€ in a weekā€™s time. ā€œNo one can violate his oath of office faster or more transparently than me, believe me.ā€


The big difference for me is that the Watergate hearings were on my familyā€™s black and white TV back then on every network (all four), and yet we were all riveted by what was happening. Today we have multiple media outlets, all with their own agendas and commercial interests so thereā€™s so much more bifurcated coverage that can either help focus the public to the facts or similarly create a smokescreen or diversion for those that donā€™t want to learn whatā€™s happening in our govā€™t. Its a lot more of a challenge today to be sure.

tRump is almost guaranteed not to resign. He opens himself to legal liability when out of office, returning again to his role as a failed real estate mogul in the private sectorā€¦So, this is eventually about setting the record straight, holding those below the office of the President accountable (impeachment hearings will deal with the other aspects) and allowing an informed electorate to make decisions about their democracy for the upcoming 2020 elections. Nothing miraculous will happenā€¦but finally some accountability for wrong-doing, malfeasance and criminality, badly overdue, will be shine a light on this maladministration and be determinedā€¦at least in the House.


The IC Counsel interviewed the witnesses while investigating. Records exist of their first hand accounts.