READ: House Intel Releases Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower Complaint | Talking Points Memo

My Social Psych prof taught me all about cognitive dissonance. That’s what the minions will be dealing with for the foreseeable future. Same idea as facts interfering with a good narrative.

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We’ll see how it goes. Depending on what Maguire says, it could stifle the dumb-dumbs.

very good sign – shoutout to Coats and Gordon!


He did say that Democrats tried to get “nude” pictures of Trump from Russia "

Come on man ! ! ! !


I was a kid when it happened, not quite 10. I remember it clearly and it was my first real memory of politics. What an early lesson. It was huge, dominating the news every night. I understood even at that age, without needing to be told by my parents, that Nixon was a crook, his minions thugs. It wasn’t the “Liberal Nixon-Hating Media” that made me believe that. It was the facts, which spoke for themselves.

Since it was the first time a president was driven from office, it was the biggest news story of its time bar none. But this is bigger, since unlike then, it’s not just the president and his administration who are committing crimes, but members of congress of his own party, and foreign countries. Plus his own family. And, other than SE Asia, Nixon was actually an OK president with decent approval ratings. Trump has been a disaster who’s never broken 50% approval.

There’s literally no real precedent for all this.


Me, too! They seemed to believe that having Giuliani be the bag man would insulate them, but Trump saying “talk to Giuliani and Barr” and then the evidence of Barr clearly coordinating with Giuliani on discrediting the Russia investigation make it pretty clear that this is a conspiracy in which the President and the Attorney General were key participants.


Nothing anyone says will stifle the dum-dums. If Trump came out and said yes, I did it, the dum-dums wouldn’t believe it. They need so strongly to believe in this guy and he’s done nothing but screw them over and over again. Example - the farmers of the midwest who will vote for him despite the fact that his trade war has cost them their biggest customer and many of them are now going bankrupt. They’ll still vote for him. Against their own interests.


I meant the ones sitting in the hearing.

He specifically characterized Dan Coats and Susan Gordon as exceptional leaders. Trolling Trump, if you will. I’ll take it.


How many ways can he say “I’m a boy scout”…

(but like a number of boy scouts, he’s getting fucked by his leader)


You people are … young!

(Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)




But his hands are shaking, and he keeps muttering, “He’s a genius. No one else has done as much as he has.”

On West Coast…
Yes! I woke up…read headlines
TV & drinking coffee now.

You think Nunes will change his mind? I don’t. Nunes is so far up the butt he may never be seen again.



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I prefer “imbeciles”, because that’s what they are. These are people who need to pause and think 5 seconds after being asked for the time.


Can someone pretty please point me to a good live blog of the testimony. I am unfortunately stuck at work. I did hear Schiffs opening statement, which was pitch perfect. I love schiff.


Maguire decided on his own to send the WB complaint to the White House… just admitted he’s a political hack


Yeah, you’re a kid. RFK was shot on my 12th birthday and died the next day. I was a senior in high school for Watergate and had toured the WH the day before the famous resignation speech. It was a surreal tour - they really rushed us through.


God no. But just seeing him speechless is worth the price of admission. He probably already knows what’s coming though, so he’s probably prepared.

Hope Schiff shuts him down if he gets rowdy.

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