Raskin Sends Trump And Vance A Warning

I use a Purple Pillow seat cushion for my back issues. It makes sitting very comfortable by redistributing your weight. It is up to about $100 on Amazon but you can return it if you don’t like it. It is a game changer for me and people I have recommended it to have been happy with it.

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Good idea if I could sit in a straight chair and not be in searing pain in 45 seconds from two vertibrae crushing my sciatic nerve. Cannot drive while prone. I was 4 hours in an ER this morning trying to not writhe on the floor in agony. They would not supply a gurney so the floor seemed the only other option to get prone. It was that bad. I did not get on the floor but sure played with the idea


I hope the docs and therapists can help bigly with your current pain and the problem longer term. Hang tough, Darr (we know you will)!


Please take care, Darr, hope this pain is relieved for you soon


OT here, but relevant to many comments on this morning’s MM. We get the printed Sunday Times, and just tonight I noticed a special section published on Oct. 6. The entire first page had the headline, "30 Days until the Election: Here’s What you need to know. Head lines underneath: “Harris and Trump on the Issues”; “Craft Your Own Path to 270”; “When to Cast your Ballot”; “The Closest House Races”; and “Track Senate Tossup Races.” Pages 2–4 summarize each candidate’s positions on the following issues, in this order: Abortion (p. 2), Climate (p.3) Crime (p. 3 -4), and Democracy (a small corner of p. 4 under only one sub- heading, “Transfer of Power” – the other issues each received a number of sub-headings. It doesn’t matter that their account of Trump’s position is mildly effective in condemning him by simply presenting facts while maintaining a neutral tone. This should have been their first topic and should have been covered at least as thoroughly as the others.

Talk about normalizing Trump and his fascistic campaign. At least The Times did not omit “Democracy” altogether, the way they did “The Economy” and “Foreign Policy.”


I’ve got scoliosis as well as stenosis in my lower back but manageable so far.

Hope you get relief very soon.

My prostate cancer is treatable and expected to be non-fatal. Pissing is another matter.

Maybe I won’t hit 100, 21 1/2 years from now.

What do your x-rays show? Is surgery indicated? What does your orthopedist say?

If it’s none of my business, then never mind, as Ernestine suggested.

NYT: “The head of The Los Angeles Times’s editorial board resigned on Wednesday after the paper’s owner quashed a presidential endorsement for Vice President Kamala Harris.”

Another rich toad tries to defeat democracy.


If we go under as a Democratic nation I hope all these wealthy buffoons are imprisoned by Eric Trump until they cough up half their wealth and that one or two of them are shot as an example to the rest.

Oh, man! Sorry about your sciatica. Get better soon.

(Ed: One of my favorite Bloom County frames: the boys after having been told to evaluate what is most important to them.)

My PC left Banner, but I was fortunate to find him again. My daughter was a P-ICU/N-ICU nurse for them but has also quit I am working to separate my care from them.