Raskin Sends Trump And Vance A Warning

Take care of yourself Darr - we still need your commentary on our comment boards. Hope the medicos figure out a way to alleviate the pain.


If you are planning to undo the US government, there is no need to engage with the current government during the transition period. Once they are in office, Trump can grant clearance to whoever he wants and start dismantling many things in the executive branch without Congressional approval. Why bother to engage with the Biden administration if you’re just going to try to throw it all out?

Ignoring the finance rules are just a bonus, they can sweep up as many bribes ahead of time to determine what their priorities are. If Trump wins we’ll turn into a kleptocracy on the way to the goal of a Christian theocracy, they’ll suck up as much money to pocket as they possibly can before Trump takes office. The fact they are openly doing this really should be a red flag for everyone, too bad that most Republicans are just fine with the corruption.


Yup… They can fail with purpose!

Pandemic? We can do worse!


“…submit your ethics plan.”

That’s what has them stumped.


Put the Fear Of Code into them!


Darr spine problems are the worst. I hope you feel better soon.


“ethics plan”

Simple, they plan to have no ethics whatsoever. The only guiding principle is TCF gets a taste off the top of any grift. And a taste off the middle. And a taste off the bottom…


At age 5 I had polio. Luckily no paralysis but around the early teen years growth spurt my spine got curved in the bottom of the lumbar area above the pelvis. It’s called scoliosis.chronic pain that I learned to live with began about 30 years ago. 6 days ago something went horribly wrong. I had been dealing with a sciatic nerve pinch for several years under a specialists care … meds and PT. 6 days ago the pain was off the charts but reclining on my bed calmed it enough to where I could still do stuff. It’s gotten progressively worse. Mrs darr and i both said ER time. I HATE Banner INC. I also hate the ER
Understand I knew the building when it was University Medical Center. I did research in the dept of physiology for close to 40 years. I had a lab and grad students. Now it is all fucked up in design and how folk could interact sciencewise. Good people left in droves.


I recall the polio. And recall a little about scoliosis. My late wife had a spinal cord injury. Her physiatrist also specialized in Post Polio patients.

Good luck. Rest and with Sparky and Fernando from their box seats cheer on the Dodgers!


We need to handle him with care.


Bingo was his name O.


Have you thought about strapping yourself to the roof of the car/truck? :grin:


Are you familiar with or by chance a fan of Israel Vibration? Watching them come out on stage with their crutches and throwing them down on the ground to get their shuffle on was so inspiring


Vance and Trump won’t even commit to accepting the results of the election if they lose

It sounds like common sense, “If the election is fair, then…”

That implies the election might not be fair. That’s a pretty pessimistic default assumption, and a harsh indictment of a great many Americans, who are impartially working to make sure Donald gets credit for every vote cast for him, and the same for Kamala.

Apparently, Republicans consider Americans their enemy.


Warning? They’re not even going to read it.


They say it works.

Well, they say, “Woof woof” but still…  ; - )


Well DonOLD pitched a fit in 2016 when he found out Chris Christie was in charge of the transition team and was getting money so he could find employees to work at the WH and other various parts of the gov’t.
But it shouldn’t have been a surprise because the story that been stuck in my head since DonOLD won in 2016 was when Obama invited DonOLD and Jared to the WH for sort of congratulations and how can we work the transition sort of meeting. I think it was Jared who asked how many of the people in the WH would be staying, and Obama said “you have to hire your own people”. This was after Chris Christie was fired from running the transition team.
I wonder if Jared and Ivanka have quietly changed their phone numbers? And didn’t tell you know who.


Of course they do. Why else would trump wanna sic the military on folk simply because they are not republican and standing in line to slobber on his body part?


He’s pulling wings off us flies. It’s a threat, or stochastic terrorism. He should be arrested, and not signing/complying should be immediately disqualifying.

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Considering trump’s recent Hitler statements and that he wants to sic the military on democrats he should be jailed. Remember 34 felonies an he is out on bail from 2 of his indictments