Providers Stop Offering Abortions As Red States Pounce To Ban Procedure

Do not mess with Jamie.


We’ve banned abortions, voters. Now we’d like you to do something for us.

About your Social Security check…


It’s called being pro life …ish    : - )


Brave, smart, and scared - you must have been all of those - but you had a choice, a choice that is vanishing today. You are right, an underground railroad has to be built.


Love him!!!


Fuck Chuck Grassley


A Perennial reminder …

“They tell you that there’s a war on women. There is no war on women. There may be a war on what’s inside of women, but there is no war on women in this country.”
— Dr. “Sleepy” Ben Carson


Christamitey, this is mega stupid.

People with tapeworms – you’re on notice!
Yet, not to be outdone;

But hang on, a flourish of stupid;

But wait, the piece de resistance;

Good God, this is not normal.


It’s their new Terry Schiavo moment.


They lied right to your face you brain dead duplicitous twat.


And we can’t overlook the part RBG played in this. RGB’s legacy is that by choosing not to retire when she was gravely ill she turned the court blood red. That is, sadly, her only legacy that remains. Her consequential decisions will slowly be purged. I used to idolize her. Ultimately she was just a fool.


Blue states are going to become safe havens for reproductive health care. And I say reproductive health care, of which providing abortion procedures is a part, because these providers provide so many other health services besides abortion. For some women (and men) it’s their primary health care. That disappears too when they shut down.

In any case, we will be needing more of these medical professionals in states like CA because they’ll all going to be flocking here. New businesses will be created: Reproductive Health Care Tourism.


You mean the part where she worked for decades or the part where society failed to live up to her vision?

The line to kick and scapegoat women is long enough.


Also IVF


just chiming in to offer my appreciation of this “De-Scrotus the SCOTUS” sign in the photo:



At some point if you keep showing up and voting, you will get the government you keep voting for.

In red states it is a fair estimate the majority of women vote GOP, so this isn’t some tragedy, it is actually Democracy. Yes, some will be harmed, but an alarming percentage of people refuse to vote at all, and many who do vote GOP, even very vulnerable people. They’re about to get to the finding out stage of fucking around.

The intent of the GOP to overturn Roe has never been a secret. The voters have failed themselves.

Well, it’s neither here nor there now, but I’m talking about the part she had a window of opportunity to retire and she chose not to (she had already been treated for cancer twice). Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here talking about this. Now, those decades of work you speak of will likely be erased because of her strategic error. It’s really sad.

Yeah, well, Thomas is a man so he has a right to privacy. Women’s genitals and bodies, he believes, belong to men like him, so that’s a whole 'other case and has no bearing on his privacy.

(Oh, except for trans/gay/whatever men, who, everybody knows, are not really men anyway, hence they are subject to their genitalia also being public…)

FWIW: I was so furious about this yesterday, I couldn’t even listen to the news. I went out and pulled weeds, wishing I was yanking out the guts of a couple three SCOTUS members…


The problem with voters is staggering stupidity and a complete lack of imagination.

I’ve written before on here that my idiot SIL who is gay voted Republican her entire life to “save babies.” Yes, a gay woman who (barring an assault) will NEVER have to make the decision to abort a pregnancy herself decided that millions of other women shouldn’t have that right. So she voted for assholes who worked overtime to take it away from them. And it worked.

Countless times I asked her how she could side with people who at best saw her life and long-term relationship as sins and at worst wanted to erase her from the face of the earth. She refused to believe either of those statements were possible, much less true.

Now Uncle Thomas has proven me right by declaring that her marriage should be nullified and her sexuality criminalized. But she won’t learn her lesson. Nope. Just like the people who kept insisting even after Drunky Brewster or Ginni leaked Alito’s bullshit that they’d never overturn Roe, she thinks she’s safe.

No one is safe from a fascist and their sick ideology. But at least in this case, we have no one to blame but ourselves and the idiots next door who make decisions like this.


Apropos leak, the lack of reporting on who the leaker was just confirms to me it was Ginni or someone that the conservatives approve of who was trying to force Beery McFuckface or even Roberts to vote with the fascist faction.

“We’re gonna get to the bottom of this”, my wrinkly white ass…

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