The next step, I hope, is that people will start sending them gummy dildos and 55-gallon barrels of lube.
Well my mind went right to gummy bears (a family favorite) but I guess that’s not the same inference you’re making here.
The next step, I hope, is that people will start sending them gummy dildos and 55-gallon barrels of lube.
Well my mind went right to gummy bears (a family favorite) but I guess that’s not the same inference you’re making here.
In the “olden days,” i.e., the 1970s, it was wire hangers (to symbolize self-induced abortions that desparate women tried when safe legal abortions were not available, usually resulting in injury or even death to the woman).
Not really. I was just thinking of how popular they were with the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center invaders, especially Ammon Bundy.
Of course not. Think about the poor defense contractors. How can they make record profits without a war? So the oligarchs who run the defense contractors huddle with that asshole Murdoch to gin up a new war. More bombs. More eyeballs and clicks. More profit. Everybody wins.
Why is it the losers get all the publicity? But we mustn’t call them “losers”? What’s up with dat?
They may be on it, but they haven’t succeeded. Yet.
I didn’t know he was still registering on the approval meter.
I do believe Manchin is just doing the job he has been paid for all of these years. I bet he was really distressed to see the Dems get control because he knew his cover would finally be completely blown. When he activates his escape plan, he will come out as a Republican.
There is absolutely no reason for him to be doing what he is doing except for a big fat donor check from a bunch of equally greedy fucks who don’t care if the planet burns and poor people die as long as the quarterly profits rise. Ask his daughter.
It’s killing people. Our people. At least 12 last night. Sick of this “bipartisan”
Sorry AOC, Manchin had nothing to do with this:
Although Ida had lost most of its 150 mph (240 kph) wind force, the storm kept its strong rainy core. Then it merged with a wet and strengthening non-tropical storm front, according to meteorologists and atmospheric scientists.
When this happens, “very exceptional rainfall can occur,” said MIT meteorology professor Kerry Emanuel.
“This is not rare,” Emanuel added. “For example, it happened with Hurricane Camille of 1969, which took a similar path.” Camille killed more than 100 people in Virginia from flooding after making landfall as a Category 5 hurricane in Mississippi.
Passing a 3.5 or 35 trillion dollar reconciliation would not have prevented it. Nor will it in the future.
No, they aren’t. Media’s job is not, ultimately, to inform, but to addict people to fear, and military is to generate more and more money because they are having to deal with men and women that were maimed and mutilated (physically and mentally) by their endless wars and deployments. We all know it, we are just afraid to stop them, as they supply us with our drugs. We wouldn’t know what to do – detox is so very unpleasant. We like being numb.
Well, I am working from home today (in California). I suppose I can report my suspicions about Ted Cruz to the tip line. Maybe about some of his friends, if he only had some.
Come to think about it, maybe Lindsey Graham has engaged in some reportable conduct lately. Perhaps I will have to report him, too.
And then there is Mr. McConnell, and Mr. Hawley…
If you’ve got the skillz, please go for it.
I’m a Luddite, can’t help with this one.
Ah, wonderful. Making the midterms another referendum on Trump and Trumpism. Bring it, Donnie Two Impeachments!
I accept this as a reasonably probable outcome.
Dust in the wind.
May it be so.
Is there some funding related to climate change in either bill? If so, that may have been her reference.
Would not put that past them.
They might argue that the malcontents were future risks to society. This was not a violent shooting but an intervention.
A) I rather doubt that the parents have any ability to recover their children’s lifetime earnings because those would have belonged to, you know, the children.
B) Making the argument that the kids were stupid and therefore the parents should get less money is basically inviting the jury to kick your client in the balls as hard and as often as they feel like he deserves.