As my son pointed out, the change to the ability to carry in county buildings is extremely limited (most exceptions still stand) and those where it is now being allowed probably had a lot of CCW holders bringing the guns in anyway as none of those locations ever had any sort of screening. In particular at the county board meetings, there was nothing to stop anyone but a sign.
The bigger concern is the “sanctuary county” that they passed. This all happened because the full on, T**** loving, election fraud embracing state legislator is now the county exec and this was at the top of her agenda. This plus moving all of the department heads from “removed for cause” after review by the county board to “County exec can fire on a whim” turning them back into the patronage cesspool they were before.
“It’s important that the county exec has faith in their employees”. Right.
We have a “private party” whom I see selling guns out of the trunk of his car in the local Trader Joe’s parking lot every few weeks or so.
Arizona does not require gun owners to have a permit , undergo a background check, or register a gun when such a gun is purchased from a private individual. You must be 18 years old to buy a gun in a private sale and 21 years old to buy a gun from a dealer with a federal license.
“The latest mass murder in America didn’t involve guns,” the Oshkosh Republican says in the ad that The Intercept reports was scheduled to air on July 6. “Fifty-three people, including five children, were murdered by human traffickers because Joe Biden’s open border policy is facilitating the multibillion dollar business model of some of the most evil people on the planet. Human, sex and drug trafficking are out of control because of Democrat governance. They have to be stopped.”
Notice the wording on why it was pulled -
“The rep for the Ron Johnson orders we entered yesterday is asking we pull the creative ASAP because of the nature of the message and how it’s a little too close to the mass shooting events over the weekend,"
Just the ones over the weekend, otherwise it was perfectly ok.
To clarify, it was not RonJohn’s campaign that asked that it be pulled, it was from the Katz Radio Group, one of the companies contracted to create the ad. His campaign had no comment on it either way.
well, I’d think that too - but that’s a lot of weapons for 2 innocent tourists - I’m guessing they angered someone in their circle about a different matter and that person ratted them out
Paddock seemed like he got tired of plunking soda cans with his vast arsenal and decided to use his guns for the purpose that they were made for.
The guy who owns the expensive sports car will eventually get bored obeying the speed limit, and decide one day to open up the throttle and see how damn fast it can go. Same with a subset of owners of human killing machines.
Minority kid with a gun, that’s led to a lot of negative outcomes when the cops shoot first.
That’s probably the singular part of the whole fucking deal that makes sense, that someone hesitated and asked for clearance precisely because the public has demanded that.
The failure at Uvalde was leadership. There was none. State cops and border federales were swarming with the locals and the ISD dorks. Nobody took charge. With the fire power and full battle rattle, nobody stepped up until it was too late.
True, but that he made no attempt to do anything further, unfortunately. No “Stop! Police!”. He didn’t even follow after him. Both things that might have redirected the shooter. He didn’t need permission to do that.
You’ll find that the majority of posts say that the police should have just let him go, doesn’t matter that he had an outstanding warrant for illegal possession of a gun and fleeing the cops.
How in the fuck a cop is supposed to do the right thing these days is beyond me.
The Right wants them to execute anyone suspicious on the spot, the Left insists that even an active criminal can’t be met with actual enforcement.
I dunno the answer, but I imagine it doesn’t involve forcing police to make extra careful sure before they take the shot.
Had there been no mass murder because there was a shot, are we so confident that the headlines wouldn’t be about another cop murdering an Hispanic boy?
Believe me, I understand the frustration. My comment on not needing permission was for him to have announced “Stop! Police!” and then gone after him immediately. That’s what I was saying he didn’t need permission for. If nothing else, maybe he might have decided to run away at that point.
Stopped ALL illegal immigration? With all those pics of people climbing his fence, and coming across the Rio Grande, you still believe the garbage TFG claims? If you believe that, I have a bridge I’d like to sell you.