Paul Doubles Down On Dig At Fauci: ‘We Have To Take With A Grain Of Salt These Experts’

Move there, and I will buy you the loudest leaf blower I can afford.


With one exception, every dentist in my town prominently displays a bible in the waiting room.

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“So we have to take with a grain of salt these experts and their prognostications,” says the guy with a FAKE MEDICAL CERTIFICATION (who had to set up his own, fake, Internet-based Certification Authority because no reputable group would certify him.)"

Can we post such on “his” hometown newspaper?

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Shorter Rand Paul: Only Trump makes correct predictions.


Oh please. So you can thumb through for verses to buck you up before your extraction? I think I’d go to another town or drive to the closest city.


Leaf blower? PFFF.

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Or taken with a cup of bleach.

Think of Trump playing archery. Each time the arrow hits outside the red center, they just repaint it to be wider so it includes the arrow, proving that he hit the bullseye. At this point, we’re talking one the size of the side of a fairly large barn. And still it grows! Eppur si muove, libtards!


Take two upon each exposure to Rand Paul… and don’t call me in the morning.

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They are also among the dumbest. I remember reading Robert Nozick’s “Anarchy, State, and Utopia,” as an undergrad. It was supposed to be the gold standard of libertarian thought, but it was ridiculously easy to punch holes in his arguments.

RW libertarians and other Trumpist bleach-bloods should all go live in an island where they can be selfish idiots at each other.


Neil Ferguson predicted that hundreds of thousands of people in the US and UK would die after non-pharmaceutical measures were taken. That is precisely where we are headed. He resigned not because of the conclusions in his March 16 paper but because of the hypocritical behavior exhibited by him and his girlfriend, who was paying him visits against the mitigation measures that he was pushing in UK. If only the GOP was as sensitive to their own hypocrisy. Clearly Paul is not.


Discount toupee expert?

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Live in a rural area. Fortunately my dentist I discovered 12 years ago is good (expensive) and not a fundamentalist. No bible in his waiting room - only People magazine and Time.


Good for you. A good dentist is worth his or her weight in gold.


I was in the break room of a local urgent care clinic, and on the wall is a big picture (poster? painting? don’t remember) of a doctor studying a medical book with a glowing-aura Jesus standing behind him with his hand on his shoulder.

Keep in mind many doctors are old enough to not know better. At least that’s what I tell myself.


Well the neighbor hit him hard enough to damage a lung. So the great Libertarian that Sen. Paul claims to be would necessitate for him to go out there, into the public without a mask, forsaking all Senate provided medical coverage, and just show that smarty pants Dr. Fauci that “He’s not the boss of me”. But as we all know and have seen, Paul talks a good talk, but won’t step up to the plate to prove his position.

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Every weekend in my neighborhood someone is chainsawing something somewhere.
I can’t imagine what there must be left to chainsaw after 20 years, but there it is. Also, chainsaws are dangerous, and you might hurt yourself, whilst leafblowers are relatively benign to the bearer - except for the nasty exhaust fumes. I’m thinking of you, eric.


A friend of mine is an ER doc in Southern Il. Around 2000 he saved the life of the then POS GOP governor, or soon to be governor.
His triage protocols were not up to date.
I believe this was in Metropolis— I kid you not.

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That is a waiting room where I would go to the desk, announce my appointment was cancelled and tell her that I’ll be looking for a Satanic-friendly doctor to attend to my boils, thankyouverymuch.


And they’re like Christian Scientists. Get one talking, and they stick to you like glue, getting this oddly lifeless look in their eyes as they catalogue the wrongs of government and assure you that every word they say is true. The effort to convert is unrelenting.