Paul Doubles Down On Dig At Fauci: ‘We Have To Take With A Grain Of Salt These Experts’

Break room, so really no patients should ever see it.

But yes, my first thought was “That’s the kind of shit Ben Carson would have in his office”.


Paul’s shit pile is wide and deep.

And people like Josh Kraushaar thought that the Senator deserved a participation trophy just for showing up. I thought Republicans hated the Liberal participation trophy idea?


As someone who was involved in science and did research for 50+ years as a graduate student and Prof. I take issue with Rand Paul’s assertion about “a grain of salt” as if it is something bad and that scientists do not know much of anything. A fundamental part of the scientific method is to question results of experiments and to get data replicated by others before feeling confident on a result. That Sen. Paul sees this as a bad thing tells me “he don’t know jack shit” to put it in a vernacular he might understand as a wanna be red neck. It’s no wonder his neighbor beat the shit out of him. He apparently has not learned the lesson.


Shit on your shoe on a white carpet is easier to deal with than this predictable airhead.

So can we dump several tons of salt on Rand?


Dunning-Kruger Effect: They’re too dumb to know they’re dumb. Their crazy ideology helps them maintain this delusion. Libertarianism, of this sort at least (as opposed to the civil kind), is something that makes sense when you’re 14 or 15 and just starting to think like a grownup, but not really. They’ve never outgrown that stage, and don’t know it. Instead, they just reinforce each other’s delusions by repeating their mantras, which are divorced from empirical reality if not logic itself.


Classic logical fallacy, that if something isn’t clearly and provably 100% true, it’s therefore 0% true. A form of binary thinking. I mean, dust particles don’t fall to earth, therefore gravity is a hoax.


No thanks, I’ve no tolerance for a walking disease vector.

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Channeling Kent from King Lear.

“I don’t question Dr. Fauci’s motives,” the GOP senator told Fox News host Martha MacCallum, also describing the doctor as “a good person” who “wants what’s best for the country.” “But he’s an extremely cautious person, and I don’t think any of these experts are omniscient,” Paul added. “I think that they have a basis of knowledge, but when you prognosticate about the future or when you advocate for things dramatic and drastic, like closing all the schools, you should look at all the information.”

Paul argued that “we really need to have competition among the experts,” pointing to British epidemiologist Neil Ferguson’s projection that 2.2 million people would die from COVID-19 within as an example of a health professional offering faulty information. “So we have to take with a grain of salt these experts and their prognostications,” the senator said.

In the first place, if no one on this planet had practiced self-isolation, a 2.2 million death toll would NOT be high. The numbers have come down because we have modified our behavior, and pandemic models predicted this result given the modified behavior. As such, Runt Paul is either disingenuous or he’s an idiot. I suspect both.

In the second place, the last guy I’m relying on for the health of my family is Runt Paul. I’d depend on Fauci in a heartbeat, because the subject matter is what he’s dealt with for his entire professional existence. What has Runt done but preen while verbally flatulating? Seriously, what good has Runt done for society and mankind?


One of the best doctors in the U.S. being lectured by a dumb jack-ass about humility?
The irony is too rich for me.


LOL. The dumb bullshit market is the only one Republicans have left and they are going to milk it until it bleeds. They won’t be suddenly going sane, no matter how many try to give them that advise. Insanity is all they have left.



Rand looks rough and not just because of his beard. Look at the bags under his eyes. Someone isn’t sleeping very well. What a shame.


What should be emphasized by moral people is the disservice the GOP Lie Machine is doing to the health professionals who are dealing with COVID under conditions which are heartbreaking in every way.

At SOME point the medical community will have had enough. Trump and the GOP will have broken both the American health care system and its workers in the TRENCHES.

The strategy and tactics of Team Trump using COVID as a battering ram for his re-election makes perfect self-serving sense, but he is killing both the sick and those who care for them. Trump is the vilest human who ever sat in the Oval Office.

Pass It On.


Yes, if you’re the neighbor’s insurer.

That’s all very well, and maybe he should, but …

“So we have to take with a grain of salt these experts …”

… is not “Yoda syntax.” It’s perfectly good English, almost ordinary.

Since you asked.

Bravo, bravo. Excellent rant done expertly. Way to go, @ralph_vonholst.


Eminent. Just sayin’.


Forget grains of salt, he should take everything with a cup of bleach.