Paul Doubles Down On Dig At Fauci: ‘We Have To Take With A Grain Of Salt These Experts’

Duly Elected Marriage Scientist Kim Davis at your service!


Deplorable Foundational Proposition: It is the duty of the inexpert to ban all experts!


Dear Sen. Paul:

I need to take with a ton of salt every word that comes out of your mouth.


Also, that beard makes you look like a Bowery Bum.


Rand has that post-life threatening illness look that says “my physicality has been permanently compromised and will never be the same”. The beard, the requisite faux farmer tan…they can’t conceal that. And no libertarian whining or gaslighting will bring back that robust tractor-drivin’ KY bootstrap energy. What goes around…


Hey, Rand, not all of us want to live like it’s the 1300s, and we’re going to fall victim to the Plague. You can go live in your cave and the rest of us will be guided by the medical and public heath experts and scientists. Oh, and GFY.


These goofs can’t even see how exposed they are right now. Their kneejerk responses are too easy to read. These people are running out of their own BS.
Rand’s among the thickest lumps of dull reaction in Libertarian garb sitting in the Senate, but he is definitely not alone. Sad, what our Senate has become in the McConnell era. Rock bottom, by every metric of virtue but cash. And even that is eluding them, trump has overseen the GREATEST economic collapse in U.S. history, personally.
If anyone doubts that, do the numbers. Percentages, even, but just the numbers are staggering, and so much more total wealth and value than anyone has yet to discern.
Fiscal hawks? Vultures maybe.


And with that carefully permed hair he reminds me of a vain banty rooster just strutting and pecking

Banty Rooster

  1. Any of various breeds of very small domestic fowl that are often miniatures of members of larger breeds

  2. A small but very aggressive person.

  3. A boastful, prideful and arrogant individual.

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Well, gotta get my licks in while I can.

Gonna be in and out today working in our community gardens, passing out flyers in the neighborhood and getting some of the those gardens a bit more cleaned up for the small community we have around here. I’ll try to catch up with whatever awful news comes out today, as always.

Stay strong.


I would not call Rand Paul a medical expert.


That projection was based on no mitigating measures being taken, that we didn’t reach those numbers isn’t necessarily evidence they were faulty, but likely indicates the effectivness of the mitigating efforts.


Paul makes a verbal gaff which calls into question his own medical competence. He belittles Dr. Fauci’s prognosis. which is an assessment of the future run of a disease based upon its known history and characteristics. He refers to it as a “prognostication,” which is a much less disciplined speculation about the course of a disease. This appears to be a professional befittlement, an expression of professional jealousy.


Yeah, elsewhere, in a prior thread I labeled him an “arrogant little shitass” or some such. C.f. Tom Cotton - two birds of a feather. Both Banty Roosters.

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“I don’t think any of these experts are omniscient.”

Politicians are.

Rand Paul wants his voters to willingly sacrifice their children to his god, because ultimately nobody knows anything.


“Damnit Jim…I’m a Senator,not a doctor!”


We got this.


So says Rand Paul, the man with mail order degree and some paper licence from some fake certification from a medical board no one has ever heard of.

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He’s so easy to pick apart.

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Yeah, a self-certified ophthalmologist.

A fully certified moron.


"During a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing on Tuesday, Paul had hammered Fauci on how there will be “wrong prediction after wrong prediction after wrong prediction” from health experts "

Something no GOP politician has said ever about one of their pet economists after the previous 666 predictions failed.


“we really need to have competition among the experts,”

And we come to the center of the Ayn Randian shrubbery maze. What this buffoon is actually saying here is, “If you don’t like what they’re saying go find someone who will tell you what you want to hear”.

Competition isn’t always a great thing. Rand should know. He was out competed by his neighbor a few years ago.