Bill Clinton didn’t resign. Our morals have been situational. Personally, I’m over the puritanical bent the Dems are taking over so many issues. We eat our own way too often nowadays in a race to be the most moral/woke in the room.
Proportionally, resignation after such an affair is the expectation for women. For men, far fewer resign than stay in office, anyway.
Is it possible for anyone in America to address an issue honestly? Here’s Nancy:
“It goes to show you, we should say to young candidates, and to kids in kindergarten really, be careful when transmitting photos.”
Rep. Hill did not transmit any photos. She was photographed by others and they leaked the photos to harm her. The point in giving the photos to RedState was to hurt Rep. Hill because she’s a liberal. Nancy Pelosi, the media and most of the Democratic Party are making that kind of abuse effective. Wouldn’t it be nice to know how many of her judges have been imaged the same way but were not victimized by the images and hence in a position to clutch their pearls.
Sex is a private thing and WE ALL do it. There’s nothing wrong with it. There’s nothing wrong with being naked with your sex partners. WE ALL do that. The wrong is in taking that private affair public. What was the photographer wearing? Why was that person in the room? The same thing as Rep. Hill and for the same reason. The difference? That person’s not on an SD Card.
If you saw the images of Rep. Hill and were outraged fuck you. You’ve done it too. You’ve been naked and enjoyed sex with others. You did all kinds of funky things with that person or those people and you liked it just as much as I did when I did it. That’s why I still do it. You do too. So fuck you if you made yourself out to be above it all.
Are you kidding with this shit? Assuming the article is correct it is blaming Pelosi for something she actually said. Bad enough to throw Hill under the bus for an affair with a staffer (how many men in Congress, or the White House, have done that and stayed in office?). But to go after her for the pictures as Pelosi did here? That’s pretty awful. Hill is the victim there. Pelosi should know better. Pretty depressing to see a speaker so quick to throw a member under the bus when she should be fighting for Hill.
Like a referendum. Or Brexit… lol
I like that idea : - )
He’s looking at you, Ms. Lindsey!
Be careful of “with a staffer”. That’s an irrelevant flourish intended to make it seem more sinful. It’s just as legal to have an affair with a campaign staffer ( not a congressional staffer which is being insinuated ) as it is with someone you bump into in a bar. She committed NO CRIME in what she did.
Divorce is really stressful, even when you know it’s a necessity for your (mental) health or safety. I felt every emotion there was to feel, and a few I didn’t know about. People getting divorced are prone to do stupid shit, and that stupid shit is frequently sexual.
People ought not judge her unless and until they’ve walked a mile in her shoes.
With all that said, if she can’t take the heat on this (and given that is going through a divorce and is temporarily crazy, it’s no sign of weakness to be unable to take it) she should get out of the kitchen. Once she has her stuff put back together and she can take the heat, she can return to public life.
Personally, I’m reserving judgment until I hear what Kirsten Gillibrand has to say. I consider her the final arbiter in matters like this.
Amen. The Democratic Party should be the party of Fuck You if you pry into someone’s private life.
If the campaign staffer is hot and fit, you must acquit! - Johnny Cochran
A threesome isn’t cheating.
It’s dumb of her to resign. She’s an adult who had consensual relations with other adults. Nobody should judge that.
Regarding Speaker Pelosi, there’s one thing I’m absolutely sure of… she’s not into losing seats.
If the campaign staffer is hot and fit, you must acquit! - Johnny Cochran
Perfect segue - where can I find these photos? Don’t want to put out an uninformed opinion.
Agreed. I find the impulse to shake one’s disapproving finger at her, or even to view her case as a “difficult call,” repulsive. And I’ve yet to see an instance of a holier-than-thou finger-wagger who isn’t ultimately far less holy than the rest of us.
Right - and there are consequences that come along with that. Dems were flabbergasted that the access Hollywood tape didn’t sink Trump, but we were living in a post Clinton world and the Dems were looking to make Bill a resident at 1600 again. We are also the party of the Kennedys.
Moral purity doesn’t suit us. I know we live in the me too age and there is a move to rightfully clean out sexually predatory behavior, but sometimes it’s difficult to shake your past.
It is an interesting question, how do you walk the line between being the party of “my private life is my own business” in a “me too” world. I’m not sure the answer is as clear cut as we’d like it to be.
The last time looked, Al Franken was a man. So was Bob Livingston, come to think of it.
It’s dumb of her to resign. She’s an adult who had consensual relations with other adults. Nobody should judge that.
Exactly! Girls just want to have fun.
I think this is too bad. I don’t think she should resign over this. It’s been humiliating, of course, and it might have hurt her re-election chances - but in a way, that’s the point. The next election would allow her constituents to decide whether to forgive her.
For the record, I didn’t think Al Franken should have been pressured to resign either. I know a lot of people disagree and I understand their views, but I really do think he is a decent man and that he was railroaded. And, of course, we lost a very powerful and hard-working progressive Senator who might have had Presidential possibilities.