Why is Nancy even mentioning the pictures? Revenge Porn is illegal in both D.C. and CA, if this is all about the photos, everyone from the top should be backing Hill and demanding prosecution of her husband, not just accepting her resignation, and certainly not chastising her for having them taken.
I don’t doubt you one bit. I am also very, very grateful that i can’t speak from my own experience in that regard. Divorce can be devastating. I know both halves of several couples who have gotten divorced. In most instances, neither person is the same as before. That goes with the caveat that in more than one instance, that’s actually a good thing.
There is a House ethics rule against sexual relationships with staffers, just as many companies prohibit such relationships with subordinates based on risks of sexual harassment. But I certainly don’t think she should resign from Congress or be expelled for that. Was any action taken against Republican Duncan Hunter for his affair? Don’t recall.
I’m not saying men don’t resign, but none have yet resigned because they were victims of revenge porn, and many do not resign even after being proven to have had affairs.
I personally don’t think Franken should have resigned, since the behavior was distasteful but not assaultive and that kind of “joke” was pretty well accepted in his profession at the time. (I say that as a former actress.). But it was at the height of the Me Too movement taking off and his fellow Dem senators made it nearly impossible for him to stay.
Prosecute RedState first. Do it now, shut them down. They are equally guilty no matter whether the photos were hacked or provided voluntarily by the soon-to-be-ex. Non-consensual porn is not protected under the first amendment.
It’s nothing I’d ever wish on anyone. Having come through mine, I’m glad I did it. But I never want to go through that again.
You’re very right about the wreckage changing you. That’s true of anyone capable of the least amount of introspection and reflection.
- I did blame the double standard.
- Pelosi should have made a statement on that but didn’t. She chose to blame the victim.
- And By her own words she is one of the hypocrites.
I criticize her when she earns that criticism. She’s not infallible. Get over yourself.
Perhaps these photos and indiscretions aren’t the total reasons she is leaving. I know nothing about her, but seems like if these were the only problems, she’d stay and fight. As we all know, this would blow over in a week or two.
Yes, the suggestion (made above) that she is being made to leave because she was caught having sex is … too silly for words.
Duncan Hunter gets side action and stays in Congress. desJarlais gets mistresses pregnant, forces them to have abortions and he gets to stay in Congress but Katie is set up by Roger Stone and she leaves…
Well, I wish Franken would have stayed in office, too. Doubly so as, unlike Hill, their was no real evidence against him.
I’m still steaming about that, but keeping the lid on in view of importance of getting rid of Trump. In the meantime, don’t ask me to give a shit about Hill.
Wow, I hope you didn’t hurt yourself making that wild leap from stand up for your members to Mindlessly circle-the-wagons. Democrats too often bail on their own members before all the facts are in. We need to stop doing that.
She was the Vice Chair of the Oversight Committee. With Cumming’s death, right in the cross-hairs of the right-wing. Republicans alleged to CNN that they had over 700 photos of her.
They would have leaked a couple every week just to keep it alive and in the news.
While it may be better for Hill personally to step back from the limelight right now during a very rough time, Pelosi should be launching a vigorous investigation into this right-wing smear campaign against a Congresswoman, or they’ll surely be moving on their next target shortly.
Wonder which committee members had the onerous task of finding 700 photos of her? What a job!
And many don’t. I think the case here is one that would have been handled differently had she been male. As it is it does look like a revenge porn case can be made, I don’t know that any male congress critters have resigned after a former or current lover leaked photos of him.
Don’t you think the police (in California and DC) should be investigating?
Why Pelosi?
Certainly the police, but there’s also a political angle to this, absolutely within the realm of Congress to look into how this all got orchestrated, and maybe even a pre-emptive look at how Congress can de-weaponize this shit and defend their people the next time that similar shit happens (because it will).
I’d be cool if after all this she got back together with Morgan…
She isn’t resigning because of naked photos or because of having sex. She’s resigning because she had an inappropriate affair with a campaign staffer.
There are two separate and distinct issues here. One is the revenge porn. The other is sex with a subordinate.
There are laws against the former; they should be enforced. There are House rules against the latter; those should be enforced.
These days, folks seem to like taking nude pictures of themselves and making them available to signicant others, who, as it turns out, often share them with everyone on the internet.
Banging the help is nothing new, but we have recently decided it must be stopped, at least in Congress. These standards should be applied regardless of gender or party.