Democrats are split largely along generational lines in their judgement or support of Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA), who will give her final floor address after the vote on the impeachment resolution Thursday.
“I know that even a consensual relationship with a subordinate is inappropriate, but I still allowed it to happen despite my better judgment. For that I apologize…”
“I know that as long as I am in Congress, we’ll live fearful of what might come next and how much it will hurt,” she wrote on her statement posted to Twitter.
My two cents…It seems that it’s her decision to resign and not pressured by Dem leadership. A probe if it was a revenge porn or a hacking as her husband claims, should be done to determine the truth!
Meanwhile, guess who is running in Katie Hill’s Congressional seat?
The Convicted Felon Papadopoulus!
Oh FFS, Nancy. Her sexual agency doesn’t belong to you. You let this happen by allowing the puritans to set the narrative based on a shit double standard. You victim-blaming hot take is garbage.
I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t be resigning if she were a man. When her marriage was on the rocks she had an affair with a campaign staffer. Not great, but how many men have done the same — while pretending to be loyal and loving husbands. And she was the victim of revenge porn, not the perpetrator. These were private photos which she did not distribute but to which her husband had access. It’s not like she sent out dick pics to strangers and tinder dates.
This is the new reality and women are going to continue to be targets in a way men are not. It’s tough, and each situation is different for the individual, but women are going to have to continue to stand up and refuse to retreat.
The older generation (my generation) is just going to have to adjust to the reality of the internet generations and the baggage that comes with it, just like they had to adjust to the reality of generations that smoked weed and hooked up.
I wish Congresswoman Hill the very best and hope her asshole soon-to-be ex gets what’s coming to him.
What was she doing having sex anyway? And what did she do to make him so mad at her that he was forced into doing something illegal? That poor young man! I think he’s the real victim here.
Hill seems to be resigning because of the horrifyingly embarrassing exposure of her private life–an exposure orchestrated by the GOP. The pressure should be on them for using revenge porn to advance their goals.
It is insane to resign for a consensual affair with a campaign staffer. That kind of affair is wrong, but it’s not resigning wrong. Put it this way: she wouldn’t be resigning if there were no pics, and no Democrat would be asking her to.
If you’re a man and have affairs, you can still get elected to and keep the office of the presidency. Trump and Bill Clinton are examples.
A woman in Congress? Sorry, you’ve got to resign.
Not fair. Regardless of if you publish revenge porn pics or just threaten to, it should be a felony across the entire country.
The generational split is what I’ve been noticing - as the younger generation, with its propensity for documenting every event in their lives, is wont to do, in twenty years, this will be a non-event because EVERYONE will have those photos out there. It’ll be another day at the office and revenge porn is something the younger generation deals with every day. If you want something to go away, the minute everyone is doing it, by default, makes it go away.
The older generation (like me) doesn’t understand this need, but there is about half the population of the country that doesn’t know the world before social media and technology. But they do and they understand it and it’s part of their culture.
Her ex has most assuredly received some under the table support for what he did. Follow the money, prosecute his ass (as someone noted, revenge porn is illegal in CA) to the full extent of the law and invalidate any financial support agreement that he has with her.
And I know this: The GOPPERs have owned the sewer for decades. Just as they have twisted the admirable “presumption of innocence” of our legal system in order to use legal gymnastics to stay out of jail, so do they also game the saintly word “forgiveness” in order to enable their perversions while at the same time using vastly different standards for their enemies.
To the extent that AOC is on to them I look at as an improvement with regard to awareness of the enemy.
To the extent that Nancy is advising discretion I look at as a necessary measure in this unequal environment that the GOP has created.
And I am pleased that nearly all here know both “to the extents” quite well.