‘Our Darling Katie’: Dems Split On Hill’s Resignation As She Preps For Final Speech | Talking Points Memo

Roy Moore, Mark Sanford, John Ensign, Newt Gingrich, Henry Hyde, Rudy Giuliani… the list is very long.


The revenge porn issue is a separate issue and I hope her ex sees some jail time for it and that it brings some attention to revenge porn which is probably more common than most know. We’re hearing about it because it’s someone in Congress but no matter one’s position in society leaking private photos or information for the purposes of extortion should be a crime with a decent level of punishment.

She’s being forced out because she abused her position of power with a campaign staffer and allegedly with a congressional staffer. I’m glad she’s being forced out because of that, there’s no room for it in the Democratic party. She’s young, she’ll learn and if she’s good (I don’t know much about her) she can return to gov’t or community service as she see fit.


She denies the congressional staffer accusation and there are no rules against fucking your campaign staffers. Here’s a good rule for everyone to follow, stand up for your members when they are being attacked by the radical right-wing.


We should never be “glad” that radical right wingers drove one of our members from Congress. If she were male she wouldn’t be having this problem.


No excuses. Earned.

No, I reject this mindless circle-the-wagons notion. I have higher standards for Democratic members of Congress than Hill was able to meet. She failed and I am glad she resigned.

(In before the ‘U R HYPOCRITE!!!’: I’m glad Franken resigned, too. He didn’t meet my standards either.)

i have no idea why she is resigning… the so-called ‘first’ lady[@@] of the US has naked pictures of herself out there…just tell whomever to suck it up… i’m not going anywhere…i’m of the really older generation and i’m sad that women are still allowing themselves to be controlled by thier pathetic male partners…



Oh for Christ’s sake lay off. You blame Pelosi for EVERYTHING. If you want to be MAD then blame the double standard. Blame history. Blame the hypocritical frauds in the House. Lord.


And Anthony Weiner. He only resigned after it came out he sent the dick pics to an underage girl.

Let’s face it, there’s a pretty long list of cheating male lawmakers from which to choose.


Maybe a partisan thing?

I really wish she would stay in office.


Wasn’t there a GOP politician last year who forced his weeping mistress to pose for nude photos then blackmailed her with them - and ran for office anyway?


I don’t think the male/female divide here is as clear as people make out. Lots of men have resigned over sexual ‘scandals’ and uninvestigated allegations of sexual impropriety.


You have a point,but there is a difference between posing for money as part of your profession,knowing that those photos will be published, and taking sexy photos for your partner to enjoy - then having him show you naked to others to humiliate you.


Republicans are obviously beyond the pale in every way imaginable.


Wait, this was over a campaign staffer, not an aide or page in the house? How is this happening?

Dems should not give up so easily. The pics are probably embarassing personally, but thats even more reason to be strong in the face of them.

Oh, and if her hubby is in CA, the full weight of the law should be brought upon his shoulders.


Isn’t it odd that some Dems will fall all over themselves to ruin Ms. Hill, but won’t lift a finger to send Tulsi Gabbard to the ash heap where she belongs? Name me king of the Dems and I’ll make certain Gabbard never sees another debate stage during the primary.


Where is Larry Flynt when we need him?


And, her husband had an affair with a porn star while she was pregnant.

Katie Hill resigns because of an indiscretion during a divorce.
The Dotard continues on, claiming he can grab women by their pussies because he had a low-rated TV show.

Remind me, who is the party of family values? Who, exactly, is the moral majority? Who is the Party of law and order?