Ouch: Trumpworld Reportedly Rejects Gaetz’s Request For Meeting With Ex-POTUS

From what I have read, the offending cops did not even know about the outstanding warrant when they stopped him:

He had an outstanding warrant but police didn’t know that when they pulled him over. they said it was for a “traffic violation,” the New York Times reported.


You are whitewashing this. They essentially said to Army Lieutenant Caron Nazario, “Get out of your car so we may shoot you.” He negotiated and was unshot.


Gaetz is so stupid that he doesn’t know that the concept of loyalty to Donnie is a one-way street.


I never realized, until seeing those side-by-side photos, that Steve Van Zandt subtly underplayed his role, and how theatrically false Gaetz is.


Ah. That makes sense. He tried to flee though. That sealed his fate.

Are we ever going to get a handle on this senseless slaughter of black people? Looks like the MPD has learned nothing after Chauvin.


Funny how you don’t refer to all of the times that white perps have run away from the cops and not been killed or maimed by them for doing so.

Gee, why is that?


I watched the entire video of the incident. The police were pretty clear they wanted him to get out of the vehicle. And the Lt was not going to get out of his vehicle. The Lt. said he was scared to get out and it went downhill from there. Didn’t help that he did not pull over when they put on the lights either. Instead he choose to keep driving until he reached a well lit gasoline station. Still, the cops should be more professional and not lose their cool so damn fast.

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He should have asked discobot for help.

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Is it just me, or is this dude’s forehead getting bigger every day?


“Harry Balzac”. LOL!

Is it just me, or is this dude’s forehead getting bigger every day?

He figures he can make extra money for his defense lawyers by selling it as advertising space to the “My Pillow” guy.


The more lies he tells, the larger his forehead becomes.


Don’t try to defend them. He was in uniform coming home from duty that day. The other cop even admitted that many black drivers try to find a well-lit area before stopping, FOR OBVIOUS REASONS.

And pepper-spray? Are you kidding me?
An article said that he was still trying to recover from the incident. Completely and totally inappropriate, unprofessional and wrong!!


Because I was referencing the incidents I watched and had a bearing on the point I made.
But it’s true, if you’re black and actively resist arrest, the results are going to be more deadly if you’re black than if you’re white. That’s pretty obvious.

Then Steve proved his comedic chops in “Lillehammer”.


You know you are in a deep shit-hole when the guardians of the fowl Trump swamp block your passage.

No pedophiles at Mar-a-Lardo – it may draw more attention to Trump and his dead buddy Epstein.


Everyone here surprised by this please raise your hand: No one? Nothing? Oh, one person, Matt is that you?


I’m not defending the cops at all. They went way overboard.That said, being in uniform does not give you the right to disregard instructions during a traffic stop.


Apparently, you’re not a black person. I say it gives them every right.

I’d also like to add that the police don’t get to just bark orders at you. There are procedures and rules they must follow and of course, adhere to the law. Was he ever told why he was stopped? It’s good to know one’s own rights when stopped. Don’t let them get away with crap.


To be fair, I’m sure Gaetz didn’t “seek a meeting.” Gaetz had someone ask if the answer would be yes, if he asked.

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