Ouch: Trumpworld Reportedly Rejects Gaetz’s Request For Meeting With Ex-POTUS

C’mon. Really. If you’re black you have the right to disregard instructions during a traffic stop or arrest attempt. That’s what you’re saying? I’m done on this subject.

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W/r/t Gaetz…Sycophants assume the identity of the idol. This means that the mark feels like he’s got Trump-Style Legal Evasion/Delay/Make-Believe too.


Are you sure about that?

I thought that the Putin Defense used the word “strongly” in place of “totally.”

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Yep. If the police aren’t respecting your rights and aren’t following the law, you sure do.

My husband has been spending some time watching traffic stops and listening to the exchanges between knowledgeable drivers and ill-informed cops during traffic stops. One young cop in Washington State told a Canadian driver he was driving unlawfully because he didn’t have a US driver’s license! Good grief. A supervisor had to settle the matter. We’re not hiring the best in law enforcement.


They are wholly unholy.


seems to have found himself kicked out of his idolized leader’s orbit.

Reentry is going to suck.


Missed that. Movie? TV Show?


Excellent! Glad to hear.
My sweetie and I got our second dose (Moderna) last Thursday. Rough couple of days with aftereffects following each. But well worth it for piece of mind and less anxiety.


I, too, am happy to take his denial at face value.

But then I have to ask why he hasn’t sought a meeting. I’m pretty sure he’d get one if he were to seek it … right?

So what’s keeping him?


[“Federal law enforcement just works in a methodical and relentless way, often too relentless. Whether you’re winning news cycles or owning the libs just doesn’t matter. You can win every morning until the day you’re sentenced.”]

Bracketed above is from Josh’s latest essay (which applies to both Gaetz and Trump)…Trump, because of his mental condition, practice and legal muscle, is just better at it…such that, as I have said before:

Trump will talk and act the same

6 months from disaster
6 weeks from disaster
6 days from disaster


“No such meeting was denied nor sought,” [Gaetz] wrote.

Ah. Firsthand confirmation.


The lengthier versions of the incident, published 4 days ago, go into more detail and some include video from multiple body cams, confirming the conflicting instructions. In addition, the original officer who initiated the stop claimed it was because the vehicle had no plate, yet the temporary plate is clearly visible in the body cam video in the…wait for it…brightly lit gas station that was less than a mile away. That he drove to at a reduced speed, with his turn signal on.

Oh, and along with everything else that was said, how about this to deescalate the situation -

At one point, Gutierrez told Nazario he was “fixin’ to ride the lightning,” a reference to the electric chair, according to the claim.


On a better note. Counter protestors outnumbered the fascists at the white supremacist march in Huntington Beach yesterday.


Netflix series. Great ensemble cast. Some really funny Norwegian stand out performances.
Looks like Steve was really having some fun.


One of the cops fired by town after VA Gov calls for inquiry:


I saw that. Good, but will that cop just be hired somewhere else? Not good enough.


OT-if this is what “crawling back under a rock” looks like, I’ll take it!


How friggin long does it take to investigate an Evangelical pervert who left a money trail? Gaetz has the porno haircut and photos sitting on his iPhone. The investigation started under Bill Barr…come on FBI just do it!

Who’s leading the investigation? Is it 80 year old Nancy Pelosi and her house impeachment managers?..the low energy gang that can’t shoot straight! They took more naps than witnesses called to testify. They couldn’t even decide to subpoena Trump to test the DOJ’s ‘policy’ of sitting president’s being above the law!

If Trump can get off Scott free, so can Gaetz.

I agree with @bonvivant that, in general, it’s prudent to do what the police are asking.

But in this case, one can argue that the police officers were completely out of line.

So the question remains: What does one do in the moment when police officers are completely out of line? Unfortunately, for some of us, there is no good answer to this question.


I think the issue is this (it was recorded).

Nazario repeatedly asked to know what was going on, holding his hands in the air outside the driver’s window while telling the officers, “I’m honestly afraid to get out.”
“Yeah, you should be!” yelled one of the officers, before pepper-spraying, knocking down and handcuffing the lieutenant. Gutierrez also told Nazario that he’s “fixin’ to ride the lightning,” a slang term that suggested he was facing execution by electrocution. Gutierrez can be heard threatening to use a Taser on Nazario in bodycam footage later.
Gutierrez could also be heard saying to Nazario on his bodycam, “I get it, the media spewing race relations between law enforcement and minorities, I get it.”
Gutierrez said in an incident report that he “made the decision to release him without charges” because he “did not want to see his career ruined over one erroneous decision.” But according to Nazario, the officers told him they’d charge him with crimes that would destroy his military career if he spoke out about the incident.

ETA: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/virginia-gov-investigation-police-assaulting-black-army-lieutenant_n_6073a975c5b6ed5952810f00