Oath Keepers Founder Rhodes Says He Spoke With FBI For Nearly Three Hours About 1/6 | Talking Points Memo

It’s funny. The guy who wants to be free of oppressive government will be watched closely by the government for the rest of his life.


He also claims that “those patriots have had enough” I want to tell him just who has had enough., and that is the rest of the Country and for that matter, the world. These little morons need to be in a prison where their festering resentment and hatred can be addressed like the spoiled children that they are. When you grow up, and by that I mean achieve some semblance of maturity, you realize that you do not always get everything you want, and whining and throwing temper tantrums will not get it for you.


If he only knew what Fascism is. None of these illiterates know the difference between Communism, Socialism, democracy, fascism, autocracy, oligharchy, or their own ass.


Hell, do not put these bozos in a Federal lockup. Send them to Parchman, where they will be close to their families.


Exactly, why bother deprograming. Just lock them up in a mental ward or a prison where the rest of the population can deal with their smartasses.


Yeah, federal prison is too soft, but it is probably the only option.

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Looking forward to Little Adolph’s prosecution for lying to the FBI.


Hey, I’ve been defending Western Washington from rogue Elephants since late 2000. Proof of my success? There hasn’t been a single successful elephant attack on a human in WWA since I moved out here. Before that, I had similar success protecting Eastern MA against elephants. I bet I could do JUST as good a job protecting against antifa!


Come on, now! This makes perfect sense! Sure, they said they planned to stop the vote certification – but really they were there to stop Antifa from stopping them from not stopping the vote certification. Easy!


Has Rhodes been given round the clock protection yet?

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They just told him to keep an eye out.


Anytime someone omits Roger Stone in a roster of traitors?
I’m inclined to state-- Roger Stone is the ringleader. Full stop.


Ignorance is bliss.


Certainly used to be (back on the Farm! :pig:).
Times change. Now ignorance is likely 3-to-five years.


If he has an eye patch wouldn’t a monocle be more fitting?


They probably are shocked, and with good reason. For years these armed gangs (sometimes mistakely called militia) have been occupying and threatening with impunity. Just a few examples:

2014 - Bundy standoff in Bunkerville, Nevada
2016 - Occupation of Malhuer Wildlife Refuge in Oregon
2019-2021 - Multiple occupations in various state legislatures

For most of those involved, these events were wildly successful. Failure to convict and punish the armed gang members – and, in the case of some state legislatures, active support of the gang members – has led us to where we are today.

There are a large number of Americans who believe that the way to get what you want is to strap on your body armor, pick up your AR-15, and go threaten people until they submit.


I don’t think the monocle works with Apple products…


“I wasn’t robbing that liquor store! I point a gun at the guy behind the cash register because I thought that HE was a robber pretending to be working there, and I wore a mask so he wouldn’t know who I was and come looking for me!”.

So these are the sorts of people who’ll be challenging GOP incumbents and running for open and Dem-held seats next year? I don’t think that even all the vote suppression laws, help from the courts and Fox fake crisis-mongering is going to win them back congress if this is the sort of person the GOP runs next year. They will lose the center if they haven’t already.

Run, Tucker, Run!

He looks cleaner-cut and more “mainstream”, but he’s just as hateful, rancid and twisted as the rest of them.


That’s one of the main problems. They are ignorant in the literal sense of the word, “not knowing.” They use “fascism,” “socialism,” “communism” interchangeably and have no idea what they’re talking about. The GOP wants them this way and that’s one reason they’re demonizing the teaching of the roots of racism in our country. As a retired high school teacher, the other teachers and I noticed the ones coming up each year knew less and less history/culture/foundations of any kind. I’m not at all surprised about where we are now. It makes me both angry and sad.


Lordie! Did he actually allow his High School to publish that picture in the Annual? Has Tucker ever had a girlfriend?