Oath Keepers Founder Rhodes Says He Spoke With FBI For Nearly Three Hours About 1/6 | Talking Points Memo

Wonder if it was from the comfort of his up-armored golf cart. Gawd, how much more tactical can you get?


He’s married with kids, so. But that doesn’t make him a normal or decent person. Even Hitler had a girlfriend and Stalin a family. His ascent to influence and power is symptomatic of the decline of US society much more than it’s a cause of it, although that too. Only a sick society could elevate the likes of this despicable monster. He may be voicing his inner hateful pantywaist, but he’s also speaking the millions of them out there. The same exact people like him who like Trump. And for the most part they’re ridiculous mediocrities and losers who lack the will or means to be decent and productive members of society. So they turn to the culture of hate and blame. Total projection, misdirection and blame-deflection.


There’s a pervasive stupidity, ignorance and passivity in the US that spans the ideological and political spectrum. People just don’t know things anymore and don’t think they have to know these things. Everything’s transactional and Right Now. There is no past, there is no future, it’s all how you’re spending the next several hours, and then onto the next distraction.


This guy has about as much interest in Democracy and as much credibility as Lenin. Lock his sorry ass up and prepare a soundproof concrete box in Florence CO to contain him and his pie-hole. American Patriots should not have to listen to more of his patently false assertions. He is a liar, a seditionist and a traitor.


And now this guy is at CPAC. Is it just me, or does it seem like CPAC happens like every six weeks now?


Nah, I went to prep school with these guys (and what we called “pre-prep” – I started boarding school on the East coast in 6th grade). This picture represents all the snottiest, most egotistical, bullying kids wrapped into one package. You can look at him and know he thinks he’s funny, know he’s privileged and hasn’t had to answer to anybody all his life, and know he was mean to the younger kids – probably devising all kinds of bogus “initiation rites” for the new students.

Honestly, most of my fellow students were pretty nice kids. But there were these kids as well, who could turn boarding school into Lord of the Flies at the drop of a hat. This photo gives me chills.


Yeah they just had a meeting in Florida.


That’s the Gospel of Ayn Rand - anything goes as you amass wealth and power for yourself. And what’s a bit of grifting (well, ok, a lot of grifting) between friends?


I doubt he was well liked in high school. Either.


This reminds me of a student I had back in the '90s. I was teaching a short unit on Roman history and he rather defiantly asked why I was bothering to do this/he didn’t need it/it was stupid, etc. Years later I learned that he had become a teacher, too…and his teaching subject? Roman history.

One of those satisfying moments.


Yeah, we got 'em here on the North Shore too at some of the more upscale public schools …

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Feed’em to the Taliban. They don’t like government or sinfulness either.


Two Members Of The Oath Keepers Who Allegedly Rode A “Grand Theft” Golf Cart To The Capitol Riot Were Indicted

If the silly buggers had ridden seperately or not texted about it, it would be much harder to make the conspiracy charge stick.


You ever drive a car through a suburban Phoenix eldercare community? Those folks are NOT to be messed with!

Sometimes people resist things they subconsciously find appealing, because it goes against what they were told to believe was important. We’ve all heard about the juvenile delinquent who went on to be a decorated cop.

But, seriously, who cares about those silly Romans? They’re all dead and have funny names! Lucretius! Vespasia! Chad!

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Which Snaza brother are you?

Anyone remember who Dan White is?

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He may even believe he outsmarted them. I hope they gave him the “Gee Mr. Rhodes, you’re so smart and patriotic” treatment.

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because now he’s on their occulist


Normally I don’t comment on someone’s appearance but I gotta say this Oath Keeper fellow has his eye on it. Whatever “it” is.

Extending on the “Stewie is a Rat” theme, maybe he was wearing a wire while rubbing elbows with the elite of RWNJ World.