Oath Keepers Founder Rhodes Says He Spoke With FBI For Nearly Three Hours About 1/6 | Talking Points Memo

Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes claims to have sat for a nearly three-hour interview with FBI agents in May after the agents seized his phone as part of the Capitol riot investigation.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1380677

It’s pretty clear that this Oath Keeper, Rhodes, did not take an oath to telling the truth.


Telling porkies to the FBI is a problem, oath or no oath.


It’s pretty simple with this dope, really.


If that’s the story he told the FBI, he didn’t have to. Like Mikey Flynn, he can be charged for lying to the agents.
Now, if’n he doesn’t win an indictment, it’s worth asking, “Why not?”


Yeah you were there to go up against antifa - unarmed. Sure, Stewie. And all the chatter back and forth was just about…what now?

Lying son of a bitch.


“At 1:38 p.m., according to one March court document in the large conspiracy case, Rhodes wrote to a chat group of Oath Keepers, ‘All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything. So the patriots are taking it into their own hands’.”

He misspelled “clueless marks who STILL haven’t figured out they were suckered by Crazy Eddie in a spray tan, and his whole family of inbred grifters”.

Oh, and Stewie:

"We are surging forward. Doors breached.”

Enjoy dying in prison.


disgruntled ex-members of the group have alleged that Rhodes spent organization money on frivolous personal expenses.

I’m sensing a theme with these guys, the Build the Wall guys, freakishly tall Brad who was Trump’s campaign manager, and throw in Paulie M and Rick Gates.


Stewart Rhodes claims to have sat for a nearly three-hour interview

So, probably more like 3 minutes. And he cried a lot, before, during, and after.

Still, I have a hunch the FBI will call him back.

“I did express frustration that some of my guys went in.”

Pretty sure he’s referring to this set of messages:

  • "We need to regroup any members who are not on mission.”
  • “Come to South Side of Capitol on steps.”

Proud Boys evidently have a strange private language.

…unless your last name is Flynn.


Fer sure, all that chatter was like solitaire, a way to kill the slow time at an insurrection. /s


* Limited time offer. Some restrictions may apply. Void when Twice Impeached leaves office.


My Bet: Several former warriors of Stewie’s Unregulated Militia will rat on him under conspiracy charges to save their own feckless hides. As the Oathiest Keeper of them all, the buck stops with him.

It also looks like Stewie has been dipping into the communal money pot to further his own personal needs : https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/oath-keepers-leader-spent-groups-money-on-guns-and-steaks-disgruntled-ex-members-say This tends to upset the All-for-one; One-for-all Esprit de Unregulated Militia.


Up to 5 years per instance. What they got Scooter Libby on.


Rhodes said he went further than that, claiming to the agents that members of the Oath Keepers only went in the building after they’d heard someone had been shot, presumably referring to Ashli Babbitt. Rhodes claimed that the members went inside because they wanted to render aid to the person.

Yes. And Putin send thousands of stormtroopers into Crimea to help a little old lady back into her wheelchair.


“Tough old bird. She kept trying to get back up again. Well, until we called in the artillery strike.”


“Just shut up” is always the correct approach.

But these guys get so many things wrong!


“We thought we might have to use the Novachuk.”


Remember that this is what he says he told the FBI…what he actually told the FBI is between him and the FBI, at least for now. If he lied to the agents he’s in real trouble, but if he’s a source for the investigation into the conspiracy and trying to throw others under the bus…well, he’s also in trouble when people find out. If he disappears, then he probably went into witness protection to testify against people.

Though, I doubt the FBI is going to let him off, he was the leader up there, and even if he didn’t give explicit orders in text or on the radio, everyone knew what was going on…if he gave an explicit order not to go in and people did it then we’d probably have heard about it already.


Yes the horrible scourge of ANTI FASCISTS!

we just wanted this to be a special day for us


“If we actually intended to take over the Capitol, we’d have taken it, and we’d have brought guns,” Rhodes said at a rally in late March. “That’s not why we were there that day. We were there to protect Trump supporters from antifa.”

So, to protect Trump supporters from antifa … you didn’t need guns? Or, you were just as half-assed with your “antifa protection” as you are about creating false narratives?