NYT: Former Trump Russia Adviser Objected To Ukraine Ambassador’s Firing | Talking Points Memo

I would guess, in his pea brain, he was trying to create a right wing media moment. “Look how the democrat kangaroo court kicked me out. I was just trying to bring FAIRNESS to the hearing!” Now, we would be looking at the mainstream media to pick this up and show it for what it truly is. I’m anxiously awaiting that!


Because she’s currently testifying right now, so all stories are about what was known from other sources about what she would be testifying today.

Later we’ll get more about what she did testify about.


So far nobody who has any first hand knowledge of the matter is supporting Trump. The Democrats need to get the news out. Trump’s political game was bad news for America. It was an abuse of his position as President. It is as though Trump really believes he can shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and get away with it. The old man needs to go away, and his lawyer Rudy needs to be disbarred and put in the slammer.


After all the whistles are blown and testimonies given, when Trump’s Poirot tries to figure out who drove the bus over Trump … he will find out, they all did!


The Times reported that the White House has “exchanged letters with Ms. Hill’s lawyer about precedents regarding the confidentiality of presidential communications,” in the paper’s words.

So it would appear Ms. Hill followed Ambassador Yovanovitch’s path in telling Trump to go get stuffed. Her testimony corroborates both the whistleblower and the Ambassador’s testimony, and is further damaging to Trump and Guliani. Time for them to have another lunch.


Again do professional in diplomacy or government call an investigation a “scheme”? At least they could have defined it as a ‘program’ or ‘strategy’, at least to me those words sound more above board.


While some people are successful in court, shooting at a police officer usually gets you time. The courts treat accidental shootings/deaths of innocent citizens by cops more leniently than the other way around. If the cop has ID’d him/herself as such and you draw a weapon, mmm, not so good.

The folks that have taken advantage of the WH “cover” for noncompliance appear, for the most part, to be those that have potential criminal exposure.


And the ones who are testifying are also clearing up their own potential criminal exposure (there’s that one fun statute that being aware of a crime and failing to report it is also a crime) by cooperating…


Trump and Co. probably think the Orient Express is just like an American Express card except it’s for the Chinese.


Yes. Or like McGahn, have no problem sacrificing America’s national security and credibility for their preferred judges and personal career prospects. While he may not have done anything illegal, he’s another person who’s behaved shamefully.


Ahead of being arrested for murder. (I hope.)


From your post to God’s ear…

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Does Hill have a first name?

I had to read Gaetz Booted From Committees’ Deposition Of Trump’s Former Russia Adviser to learn yes, her first name is Fiona.

Cc @mattshuham


Like this:

…the White House has “exchanged letters with Ms. Hill’s lawyer about precedents regarding the confidentiality of presidential communications,” in the paper’s words.



Though it’s their word versus Giuliani’s, do Hill and the other witnesses have receipts ?

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It was reported in the WaPo that Hill, specifically, did not, as she left all that behind when she resigned.

But it’s seeming to not really matter. Giuliani and Trump aren’t claiming the stuff didn’t happen, they are just claiming that it’s perfectly legal that they did it.


This is who the author is so he would seem to know Iowa:

Robert Leonard, the news director for the Iowa radio stations KNIA and KRLS, is the author of “Deep Midwest: Midwestern Explorations.”

Of course it’s an opinion piece, but they are observations based on what trumpites say from someone who knows the people, and there’s no mistaking that in this piece of Iowa they’re mindlessly in the bag for him

the local culture goes much deeper than Fox News, which doesn’t create the reality of conservatives here so much as reinforce it. To my devout conservative neighbors, liberals are tearing America apart. Mr. Trump is the only conservative with the courage enough to stand up to their way.

They see the hand of God in this, and many truly believe he is the “chosen one.” To them, Democrats are amoral and spiritually empty. Where evangelical Republicans worship God and see Jesus as the only path to him, Democrats have banned Jesus from the public sphere at great cost to society and the potential salvation of millions.

To rural white conservatives, their culture is being rubbed out right before their eyes. Compared with that, Mr. Trump’s sins — Ukraine and all — are trivial, while the Democrats are unrepentant and persist in their wrongdoing.

I know it’s not PC to even think about what trumPP supporters do and say, but they’re the ones who’re going to vote for him, and we can’t ignore that.


Did I mention how tired I am of bailing these shitheads out after every natural disaster?

Seems to be a strong correlation (not perfect) between areas that are Red and those that get regularly walloped by God (gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that Her message has something to do with the way that they keep voting).

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