NYT: Former Trump Russia Adviser Objected To Ukraine Ambassador’s Firing | Talking Points Memo

misprision of a felony – I expect some number of administration stalwarts (like, all the folks who listened in on the Zelensky call and didn’t blow the whistle) have exposure on this one.


We also can’t convert them, because of their rank stupidity and their cult membership.

So we need to redouble our efforts to GOTV with Dems and Indies.


At least three people, including Giuliani and two men with whom he looked for dirt in Ukraine on Trump’s behalf, appear to have had early knowledge of Yovanovitch’s ouster.

It is probably just coincidence, but Trump has been ousting a lot of career Russian experts from the intelligence agencies and the State Department. It’s as though Putin gave him a list.


Because I live in Looney Latte Drinking Liberal San Francisco within the borders of the nuttiest blue state ever, I have to remind myself with stories like this that we’re not all on the same page with our disgust and loathing for 45. You can’t go anywhere here without signs saying “Resist”, “Impeach Now!”, “Vote Blue No Matter Who”, etc. So it can distort your thinking.



Post an update - this will be buried.


“I rezine.”

Is that pronounced like MAGAzine?


Robert Leonard, the news director for the Iowa radio stations KNIA and KRLS, is the author of “Deep Midwest: Midwestern Explorations.” is the name of the guy who wrote the piece.


And how prosperous blue states pay more taxes, a lot of which go to impoverished red states. Don’t get me started.


When the failing NYT finally dies, because of what it did over the Iraq war and Hillary’s emails, I will piss on its grave. I mean can anyone tell me why does the NYT keep crapping on those who might actually read/buy it and bending over backwards to those who will always hate it regardless of what it prints.

Since helping lie America into the Iraq War and over 17 years latter instead of apologizing every time its coverage is discussed the NYT not only justifies helping Bush lie America into the war it complements itself for what it did, other than reading Krugman’s column, the one person the NYT allowed to oppose the war because Krugman could be dismissed as an economist unfamiliar with Iraq, I have refused to spend any money to support the NYT instead finding ways to read Krugman for free.

But the coverage of Hillary Clinton, especially the Comey letter as detailed by Nate Silver which really is what got Trump elected president, even surpassed the NYT helping Bush lie America into a stupid and unnecessary disastrous war.

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Damn! You make me so jealous! I’m not sure i have it as bad as some other folk, but the sea around me is still plenty red. I’d love to live in a loony liberal latte. It would be something completely different.


Who needs Russia experts when you can just bring in actual Russians?


IMF. More eyes, more ears, please

More like “witless” in this case.


She’s done testifying.


I did amend my earlier reply to reflect some of what you just said here.

I get the feeling that instead of being an unprincipled liar, the biggest problem for the Screaming Carrot Demon is that he’s dumb as a stump. He didn’t foresee
somebody turning on him?


Oh I second this from WA state. I will add that the blue areas in WA state generate far more tax revenue than those in red areas primarily in Eastern WA. The red areas benefit mightily from our blue tax dollars.


liked x gazillions.

It really doesn’t matter what they “think.” We can’t do one damn thing about it. They don’t think we’re legitimate and the article makes that clear. Nothing is going to change for them either. Nothing has changed for them since Trump got into office either - except they have this awful person telling them they are right. That’s it - their lives are still exactly the same as they were when Obama was president.

They are a Lost Cause. Our remedy is voter turnout - like you said.


Perhaps they are the ones who reported the call to the WB?

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