Next Jan. 6 Hearing Will Detail Events In WH During Insurrection

Like Michael Moore did with My Pet Goat.


Trump attempting martyrdom may well bag some True Believers, but it would mortify most other people and, in fact, galvanize public opinion that Trump is truly a dangerous person.

The J6 has been effective and, in fact, have presented their information with grace and understatement, not dogmatic screeds.


Like another movie of that late-90’s era I have not (yet) seen:

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The “Support Staff” could be the butlers and maids who were around Trump 24/7 in the residence. This is where Trump did much of his dirty work. They have always been a rich and ready source for evidence of his behavior since they saw and heard everything and he likely ignored them or treated them like dirt. If the J6C or DoJ is interviewing these folks (all good public servants) then he is right to be sacred shitless. Good. Bust his fat ass. I’m with TxLawyer - I think the DoJ is on this and Trump is toast.


I keep thinking of the reports about how he never really expected to win in 2016 and was running more to get his face on the tube and use the free publicity to shore up his ailing businesses than anything else. Then he discovered what a goldmine the presidency is and he fell deeply in love with himself as the man at the very tippy top to boot. It was the ultimate narcissistic pinnacle, so now he craves return – and vengeance against those who took it away from him.

And, as others have said, he’s so dumb he thinks candidacy will give him immunity. Or rather, that his lawyers can twist it every which way to claim that he is immune.


They were there before that fucking criminal disgraced the Office when he moved in and they are still there now.

Indeed they are still there and, importantly, they are not usually recipients of Trump phone calls


Yeah – “time for time,” like the movie High Noon.


And personally calling up random former WH aides.

Not exactly the actions of someone who thinks he’s in the clear.


With “live” footage from broadcasts and the documentary running on-screen, while explaining where Trump was and what he was doing – side by side

Alas, 3+ Hours of network time is probably not to be gotten :frowning:


I keep wondering whether he left a voicemail.

Please tell me he left an incriminating voicemail.


Are we sure that Scumbag wasn’t just calling that kid who’s always mowing the lawn?


Hard to time it perfectly in a live hearing, but I do think there’s some opportunity for showmanship with the clock. Even something like this would work.

“It has now been two hours and five minutes since the committee began this hearing. In those two hours, we have laid bare everything that Donald Trump did and refused to do on January 6. If today were January 6, Donald Trump would still take another 62 minutes before he lifted even one finger to end his attack on the democratic will of the American people. The committee will stand adjourned.”


There is, of course, the report that TFG fired the head butler on his way out so there would be no one to unlock the doors to let the Bidens in.


Think he had to. Based on the reports that it was some former WH aide who he rarely had contact with at the WH, how else would the person have known that it was him and not some random telemarketer? Doesn’t sound like the type of person who would have had his personal phone number saved in their address book.


Whatdaya expect? He missed a spot.


Almost certainly not. Fat Boy never creates his own records.


Or maybe the “gardener” who uprooted the roses?


“Time Code” was boring Hollywood self referential.
You really didn’t miss anything.

What I believe Trump is attempting to do, and we need to take it seriously, is insulating himself against the law by the threat that his arrest will motivate a mob and unleash it much like he did on 1/6/2020.

As has been said many times Trump did not create his base and rather, Trump’s base created Trump.

If politics these last 30 years has taught us anything it is that there is a significant portion of Republicans who for whatever reason think they are more equal than others whom they hate and deem are not really American and not worthy. Many of these people think Trump won not because Trump got the most votes but because he got the most White votes.

So if Trump pretending to “martyr” himself motivates 10% of Americans which equates to about 30% of the Republican Party and will be supported by many elected officials and of course Ginni Thomas, we must take it as a serious threat.

So with all due respect, the threat a Trump is presenting by daring the Biden administration to arrest him while he is pursuing a run for the presidency must be taken seriously.


I’ll agree that the voicemail could’ve been something as simple as “hey, it’s your favorite president. Give me a call when you get a chance”, and thus unlikely to be chargeable, but I think they’ve at least got that on tape or there would have been nothing to send to DOJ. A missed call could just be a butt-dial.