Next Jan. 6 Hearing Will Detail Events In WH During Insurrection

He has lost a lot of his audience, the MSM suckholes don’t offer as much free coverage as they did before and even Faux is backing away. He’s just a fat citizen now but declaring, he figures, will vault him right back up there automatically.


“You come at the King, you best not miss.” (Omar/The Wire)


I get it but Garland can take multiple bites at the apple. DON’T combine all the charges into one indictment. Indict him a half dozen times on different charges and make him defend himself in a half dozen trials. Eventually he will run out of money and lawyers. You don’t have to be nice to the SOB - bleed him dry.


Agree with all of that, but would just add that he most likely assesses – correctly – that getting in early goes a long way towards preempting anyone else from getting in.


“sooo unfair! Witch hunt! Political prosecution!!! send me all your dolla dolla bills!”

Declaring he’s running will make Garland even more gun-shy than he is already. The rate things seem to be progressing, even if the once and future president doesn’t declare until after the November elections, he’s still likely to declare before any indictments come out.

He can’t trust deSatan to pardon his gigantic flabby ass, so he needs to run himself.


. . . everything.


The Committee has delivered hit after hit, they haven’t disappointed us yet. If anything they might have slightly undersold things. They just might be saving the best for last.


That’s his style, elbows out.

I wonder whether he has calculated the actions of other Republicans to any extent…or whether this is actually more out of desperation…

And this is, to me, an opportunity for Garland to do some real Poker playing.


If you’ve read the Axios article on the Dec 18 meeting, you know they unsold that, at least:


I think they should detail the inventory of weapons that were stored from the people entering through the magnetometer entrances at the rally. I’m sick of the “but they weren’t armed” memes. Not to mention those who wouldn’t enter and remained outside, loaded for bear.


I dunno, man. No tengo confianza, pero no sé lo que ocurre atrás.


What txlawyer said with the addition of moving his supporters closer to violence.

That is announcing he is running for president will allow Trump and other Republicans to claim that Biden is jailing his opponents like they do in Russia.

In short announcing he is running before being arrested is a tactic to achieve martyr status. Although think how reality challenged you would have to be to ever think of Trump as a martyr.

But more importantly, as martyrs often due, it will I predict move many of his supporters closer to violence should Trump actually be charged with a crime.


I thought during the CHutch hearing they mentioned that the Secret Service had confiscated weapons at the mags when people actually went through them.

Surely there’s an inventory of that stuff, no?


The DoJ got its initial evidence by using Hunter Biden’s laptop to unmask 45’s top secret social media posts, so everything they have is inadmissible under “fruit of the poisonous Tweet” doctrine and is covered by executive privilege anyway.


This is just complete and utter garbage. Fat Boy is so terrified at present that he’s having his people launder trial balloons through the press for various potential scapegoats to blame for his own criminal responsibility. It takes time and effort to run a criminal fuckin’ conspiracy to ground, no matter how much you stamp your petulant feet and hold your breath.


Truthfully, I more wonder why the NYS cases are all on mute.


the panel is leaving the door open to the possibility of more hearings after next week’s.

Yay! I hate when I get to the last episode of a favorite show.


They don’t. They really don’t. Weissman, in particular, is absolutely freaking clueless about what DOJ has been doing on CONFRAUDUS for more than a year now. He thinks they opened that investigation just the other day, which is entirely wrong.

And I get Schiff’s impatience, he’s up to his neck in the committee’s evidence. But USADC isn’t briefing him on its investigation, and quite rightly so.

Jebus, people, the FBI executed search warrants on two of Fat Boy’s election fraud attorneys just two weeks ago! That is not gun shy, it is finger on the fucking trigger!


I want to see the outtakes from his video.