Next Jan. 6 Hearing Will Detail Events In WH During Insurrection

Lots of movies are forgettable.

Oddly, what I singularly remember about many of them is that I have not (yet) seen them.


Trump is a quite dangerous person and must be taken seriously. In fact that’s what Liz said when she signed off Tuesday.


Bring it.


He does make mistakes and become stupider than usual when he is scared and stressed. We shall see.




The reporting on that is all over the place. Either Trump fired the user himself, or Biden fired him immediately, or possibly even that Trump fired him at Biden’s request. Whichever way it went down, the guy was a Trump stooge who could not possibly be trusted inside the Biden White House.


So long ago. And yet …


Garland must either make the political decision to prosecute a former president or the political decisions NOT to prosecute a former president.

It’s a political decision either way.

The only reason not to prosecute now (short of difficulty in getting a conviction from a “jury”) is the threat of violence you raise.

If our leaders choose not to prosecute because of said threat, then the rule of law no longer prevails. We are are governed by The Mob. (In multiple senses, I suppose.)


The most likely scenario to me is that Trump had someone place the call, and yes it could have been fake, but close enough to be plausible. More credible than caller ID, and no, Trump would not leave a voicemail or other trail. My best guess, anyway.


I meant my phrasing, “There is, of course, the report…”, to suggest my uncertainty/ignorance.

Did it work?

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A screenshot of the missed call would be plenty reason to send it to DOJ. And note that if they expected either this or the Hutchinson contacts to be crimes all by themselves, they would have asked the House to vote on an actual criminal referral. Just sending the evidence over to DOJ without a formal referral is most likely just a matter of “Hey, if you’re looking, or want to look, into any obstruction of justice, this looks like something you could potentially use to help make the case.”


It might have been an indirect call. Trump asking someone in his inner circle who knew this person to call them. The person picks up because they know the inner circle guy, then inner circle guy says “Trump wants to speak with you” and the person refuses, hangs up.

Just speculating here, but it’s been reported that Trump used other people’s phones sometimes.

ETA: @llwillis got there first about using someone else’s phone.


My point was only that the version of the event that you cited isn’t definitive of how it went down. The whole thing is a bit mysterious. Anyway, the dude is safely fired.

I disagree it is a political decision either way but agree with the rest of your post.

Garland must make the LEGAL decision if Trump has committed a crime. Then, he must either go where the law takes him or make a political decision NOT to charge Trump.

That said, I will leave to the criminal lawyers as a matter of law if, based on what we now know, if Trump should be prosecuted.


Cheney doesn’t speak accidentally. “Trump called” was not ambiguous. If it was someone else’s phone he used, then they’ve got him on tape. If it was his phone, they’ve at least got the number.

Still think it’s gotta be tape in there, regardless, as why would some former WH aide have his personal cell number, when the aide was not normally in contact with him while he was in office.

And if the number isn’t saved in the aide’s phone, without returning the call (and they allegedly didn’t), would have no idea that it was trump, and not just another call about their vehicle’s extended car warranty.


Won’t happen. What the DOJ has done is kneecap nearly every domestic terrorist group or clique in the country. So many more who haven’t been prosecuted are now on the grid. If you chatted with a Proud Boy or Oathkeeper? Smile, you’re on NSA Camera!

This is where I give props to the ‘who’ of DOJ’s J6 prosecutions. Almost completely eliminating the worst elements of RWNJ terror and violence aspects. Had they begun in any other fashion-- we’d be hip-deep in threats. Now-- hardly a peep. Just MAGAts leaving threatening ‘cocksucker’ VMs. :roll_eyes:


TFG’s Razor.


There’s another possibility regarding Trump World’s reports on whose getting under-bussed “in the near future.”

Many Trump associates are using Lawyers being pad for by Trump’s PAC and/or the RNC… and those lawyers are, clearly, reporting what they know back to Trump & Co. So, a while ago, just before, or just after, Eastman got his phone seized, and his home searched, there were reports circulating that Eastman was going to be used as the “fall guy.” (You’ve seen Eastman’s latest filing? He still wants his phone back from the FBI.) Now, it’s Marky Meadows whose been selected as the fall guy du jour.

So, I’m thinking that Trump World is just trying to make it sound like Trump is controlling a bunch of events that he’s merely watching like the rest of us, but he’s getting slightly advanced notice for some of it, and using that to try to make virtues of necessity, as it were.


You may be, and hope are, right.


One of the things I think will come out in the final hearings is testimony/evidence that Trump absolutely knew he lost and admitted as much.

C’mon, man, you don’t think they should just go ahead and arrest Trump as quickly as possible without regard to the strength of the evidence? You mean to tell me you think it makes sense to go after the lower level players and keep flipping them until they get to the top? Craziness!