New Trouble Is Brewing In The Mar-a-Lago Case

And a covid vax did this my cousin’s best friend’s niece’s neighbor! They’re evil, I tell you! Vaccines must be outlawed!!


Why the tags? I just tell it like it is, ain’t my fault that so many people have been brought up with government-funded propaganda on “evolution” and “round-earth” crap that they’re unable to do their own research.


Donnie should be made to pay hospital and foctor bills personally. After all his stupidity on medical science is personal. I woulda thought his bout of covid that nearly killed him would have opened his eyes on the value of preventing disease.


Or, perhaps, the corpse at every wedding and the bride at every funeral, since he has no idea how to behave in any situation.


I have been told that my in person delivery is usually so flat that people think I’m being serious. It’s alarming at times. When I was in college I told my cousin I was going to use exterior house paint on my car. He thought I was serious. I’ve tried not to confuse people ever since. I can’t claim much success, but … hope springs eternal and all that.

Besides everyone knew your time in the Soviet Nuclear Sub caused the third arm.


I wonder if it has anything to do with having experienced the time before the vaccine. I am old enough that I had measles, mumps, rubella, and chicken pox. I wouldn’t wish a case of measles on anyone (mostly). Having no experience with these diseases, therefore, might impact your feelings about the vaccine (I can see people thinking “how bad could it be?” like the people who say Covid is “just a cold”). I do think there is a free rider element to denialism; people are counting on the vaccines of other people keeping the disease from being widespread enough to create a risk for them personally.
I think Covid is the exception–the denialism seems to me to have started as a political response that had to look for something that passed for a scientific explanation.


Just Wow

So it turns out the WaPo knew at the time that the American flag was flying upside down at the Virginia home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2021 – but decided it wasn’t worth reporting. The reporter and a key editor have since left the paper for unrelated reasons.

But sure, blame your wife.

One aspect of this story continues to bother me. Flying the flag upside down is a distress signal, and not the fussbudget kind of distress about not getting your own way. Actual “I’m in Danger!” Even disliking Alito as much as I do, I would have considered calling 911 over this; Supreme Court Justice flying a distress signal? Is he being held hostage? Is he in danger? I’m kind of glad he’s switched to the appeal to heaven flag, it’s a clearer signal and not disrespectful of the flag.

When I see people doing it now I’m still tempted to call 911, but I know I’m the one who will get the visit from the cops.


… Just makes it right-side up for the Aussies.


Good point. The Union Jack has so such lovely symmetry, it’s a shame they ruined that with the Southern Cross.

  • Railroad Commissioners, Agriculture, SCOTX and CCA, Land Commissioner, Comptroller (not Auditor/Treasurer), and U.S. Senate.

Remind me again who owns the Washington Post…


She avoided the substance in order to pee on Smith again with a petty procedural ruling so as to cause delay and give Mango and his KKKult something to crow about.

NEW: Judge cannon DENIES Special Counsel motion to bar TRUMP from making statements that Biden wanted him to be assassinated during Mar-a-Lago search -- order says prosecutors didn't meaningfully confer w Trump lawyers

— Hugo Lowell (@hugolowell) May 28, 2024


Cannon’s only motivation is to not be first federal trial.


On the vaccine side, there were legitimate questions.

Moderna literally had never had any vaccines approved prior. Several of the vaccines tried either failed or had side-effects that led to them later being withdrawn or never approved (J&J, AstraZeneca).

mRNA had gone through theoretical stuff, but never had been used for an approved vaccine.

All of us who were getting the vaccines in the early period were basically mass guinea pigs.

Now, that people continue to hold some interesting beliefs about the vaccines is a different story, but at the outset, really couldn’t blame people for questioning. There’s a reason that we do extended trials of vaccines, after all.


Trumps foul mouth just convinces more and more people every day that he is fucking insane.


And side effects do happen. We need to remember amid all that denialism that some people may experience some detrimental side effects. It’s a matter of how many, and are the risks greater for the majority of people with or without the vaccine. It’s not a good thing that some people pay a larger price than others, but we’re not all clones so there is variability in responses to vaccines.


So it turns out the WaPo knew at the time that the American flag was flying upside down at the Virginia home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2021 – but decided it wasn’t worth reporting. The reporter and a key editor have since left the paper for unrelated reasons.

Rich media owners taling care of the Court that takes care of them.

If anyone is surprised here, please DM me so I can shame you in private for not paying attention.

I’ll leave the media criticism on this to others because I think it’s more important for what it says about Alito and his wife: They were confronted by a WaPo reporter about this at their home, she freaked out about it in the presence of the reporter, and despite all of that another protest flag was flying at their New Jersey beach home as recently as last summer, more than two years after the run-in with the reporter.

Arrogance by having no accountability.

Pass court reform including Ethics requirements, expanded court, and senior status for SC members at the 20 year mark. They serve for life, but after 20 years they can only hear cases when one of the 13 active SC jurists recuse

But sure, blame your wife.

I mean, she’s no Ginni


Feels like of 104° in HouTX yesterday.
Spent a little while outside-- like cooking with steam!


Burns is possibly the most pompous, self-important windbag I’ve ever met. But, of course, he’s entirely correct, so I hope he continues to preach his florid, baroque word-creations and leave faux objectivity behind. I’m sure some GOP congress-type will try to make sure PBS never gives him a cent again. Just the sort of cause they love to embrace.


Yep, she’s no Ginni but they’ll all stink of corruption. They know it and they simply don’t care. The immunity they’d love to give tRump is one they basically already have for themselves.