New Trouble Is Brewing In The Mar-a-Lago Case

Hot new dance craze: The Can Cannon Can-Can!


That’s a lovely side-eye she’s giving you.


Oh, I agree. You don’t hear them justifying their beliefs by saying “I’m just along for the ride with you dutiful folks.”
I just meant that this is a case in which you FA and don’t FO, at least for a while!


And the Railroad Commission of Texas.




Thanks for that list. The Tribune article quote here in morning memo had me confused


Donnie really doesn’t understand how citizenship works here in the US.

You may lose your U.S. citizenship in specific cases, including if you: Run for public office in a foreign country (under certain conditions) Enter military service in a foreign country (under certain conditions) Apply for citizenship in a foreign country with the intention of giving up U.S. citizenship.Jan 11, 2024

If one is born here then they have US citizenship, that’s how I’ve always understood it be. I think it’s a bit more complicated if you were born to American parents overseas.


A lot of kids must be vaxxed to go to school. Polio. MMR, and small pox were the ones I got as a kid. Sadly though the polio vax came too late for me. I had a case (mild thankfully) in 1954. The year before the polio vax was available.
I assume most everyone has gotten shots when they start school


I had a friend like that. Had being the operative word here.


So summer begins in Tucson.
High temp projected to be 101.


Not always. It’s a requirement for enrollment at most schools, but there are always a few kids who get medical exemptions from their doctors. Most are probably legit, but I’m sure some are due to vax-denier parents who manage to pressure doctors into going along with it.

Some states like mine in WA also allow religious exemption (which is bullshit) for vaccines required to attend public schools, but to get it requires a medical professional to sign off. So it’s not easy, but do-able. And then of course there are religious private schools that may allow exemptions, or home schooling where you can do anything you want.

Considering all that, it’s amazing that herd immunity still works in most places. The exceptions are in isolated population like Hasidic Jews in NYC and an immigrant Russian community in OR where there were recent measles outbreaks due to vaccine denial.


Trump has promised to strip Federal money from any public school system that requires vaccines before attending. If both houses of Congress are ever in GOP control during his term he just might see that promise kept.


Can our Texas lawyer comment on this unbalanced apportionment of votes as it relates to Baker vs Carr?


A prairie dog refusing to seek safety in a burrow from a pursuing coyote may get eaten. Nature has a way of thinning the herd when an animal ignores its survival instinct. Vaccinate your kids. Let nature take care of the children of anti-vax parents. There’s nothing wrong with stopping the madness at this generation.


Not terribly complicated, mostly a matter of filing a piece of paper with a U.S embassy.

Typically, when a child is born outside the U.S. to parents who are U.S. citizens, they would file a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA). The U.S. Department of State issues CRBAs before a child turns 18 and are proof of the child’s U.S. citizenship. [Prove your citizenship: born outside the U.S. to a U.S. citizen parent | USAGov]

A child born outside of the United States and in wedlock to a U.S. citizen parent and a non U.S. citizen parent, may acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if the U.S. citizen parent has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a period of five years, two of which were after the age of fourteen, prior to the birth of the child. The U.S. citizen parent must be the genetic or the gestational parent, and the legal parent of the child under local law at the time and place of the child’s birth. [Human Verification]


I do hope Letitia James has the assigned auditor of tRump’s financial holdings firmly assessed from all corners, including his long list of aircraft.

Donald Trump owns a multi-million-dollar fleet of VIP aircraft, including his prized Boeing 757 airliner. Take a look at his private collection.

From Business Insider:


Infinitesimal risk? I have a friend that grew a third arm and his wife sprouted a wings. They’re dangerous and unnatural, the work of the devil.


Are you claiming @castor_troy as a friend?


Loved the booing that asshole got. Well deserved especially after he insulted their ability to only get 3% of the vote. Wasn’t exactly that endearing to that particular crowd.

I heard a CNN airhead commentator say that this was ‘wisely’ tRump’s way of reaching out to expand his base. Seriously, there are those in the fucking media that have drunk the Kool-Aid as much as some of his flakey Magat followers.


Depends when you decide to play that game, and what you do when your position doesn’t achieve a consensus with the rest of your alliance. If you adopt an all or nothing approach, then you wind up with the current GOP, and liberals have done that to themselves often enough with purity tests. On the other hand trying to bend direction the alliance is going before elections and working with your partners after the election seems not only effective but likely to persuade others on the next cycles.

Until recently the GOP has been playing a very long game, while Democrats and liberals have decided that “We won that’s over.” The next order of business for Democrats and liberals is usually to piss in the eye of one of the coalition members. That’s never been particularly smart either.

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Well, I do try to let everyone know when I’m being sarcastic, but yes when it comes to online friends here, he is among the group. There are others who I probably have more in common with, but {Sarcasm} I still find it quite rude to minimize the impact that third arm has made on his life.{/Sarcasm}

I hope the Soros group gave him hazard pay for that.