I came to the USA from Holland. Had an accent and got all kinds of dismissive treatment. I’ve ditched the accent so things are OK with that now. I still get it for “not being professional” which is the result of my hair being a bit too long for a guy in my position. Fuck it. I kind of like it.
No. Warren is criticizing him, in specific terms, for specific misdeeds, and specific policies, none of which he has disavowed.
If you really think Bloomberg’s life-long and enduring misogyny and plutocratic policies should come in for the same sort of criticism as Warren’s work for Dow 25 years ago, I’d like to hear more about why.
well, yes, i am that clueless, i had never heard of Warren until she decided to run for office…and what i have seen , i don’t like…
Oh, for heaven’s sake. You might as well say it’s what Schiff is doing to Trump.
“Just as bad” as in putting anyone in any category for dismal or denigration is just as bad as doing it to another. That’s not to say there are degrees of denigration that are much more severe than others. Saying OK Boomer is a shity thing to do but beating up a person for speaking Spanish is an order of magnitude more shity. The underlying categorizing them such that they deserve the abuse I think is the same. The abuse isn’t.
I’m sure you’ve already answered that question for me, or very presently will. Thus far, you’ve put words into my mouth remarkably well. Carry on.
Not buying it. At the end of the day it is about Bloomberg. Warren brought it up as an attack on Bloomberg. Bloomberg is the candidate. Warren repeated the allegation and said she believed it. The victim’s point of view is already represented. The obvious conclusion though is that she doesn’t believe Bloomberg is telling the truth. She should just say it, just as she would about Trump.
Not clear why she needs to state something that’s so obvious.
Which office?
She got a direct question. The answer is yes, he’s lying. Not sure why she needs pull her punches on this one.
Ok, sorry for putting words in your mouth. I’m still curious. What do you think Warren is doing to Bloomberg? And how is it similar to criticizing Warren for her work with Dow? Honest questions.
As a matter of forensics, sometimes one gives one’s opponent plenty of room to make mistakes.
(Can’t say if that’s what she was doing, but it’s an answer to your question.)
okey dokey…i consider myself properly chastised…i had never heard of warren until she decided to run,…
Take another look at my original question. It’s clear from that what my thinking on your first question now is. As far as the rest of your current comment, no it is not honest. And nothing about your response to me from the get go would make me think that it is.
When a person shows you who they are, believe them.
Wow, bro, talk about imputing stuff to people. Anyway, peace out.
Welcome to our front-running candidate.
His diabetes was out of control a year or two ago, and those things do NOT improve over time.
His attacks on Bernie, now Warren, - this seems to be a corporate plot to insure Trump re-erection. Why?
I think the precise nature of usage matters… but I do take your point.
She didn’t pull her punches. She just presented the issue the way she sees it: it’s not about him, it’s about the woman, and she believes the woman, therefore… he’s not telling the truth.
To all those who are thinking of supporting (or already are) Bloomberg; This is appropriate for him too.