I’ll just note that “disingenuous” is a pretty good synonym for “intellectually dishonest.”
The problem with “OK Boomer” is it implies just being a Boomer is what the person’s problem is. That’s not true. There’s nothing a Boomer can do to not be one. It’s immutable like being Gay or Black yet many people think that alone, not the person inside that skin or sexual ID is sufficient to judge. It isn’t. I’m lucky to be just months off 70 and look 45. I don’t get much age discrimination but some of my friends do.
A few months ago I was with a guy that writes food and wine stuff for the James Beard group. He wanted to try out a new fish camp and as we entered the parking lot a group of 20 years olds was standing in the middle of the road and would not move. So he asked them politely to move and one said “It must suck to get old”. We eventually parked and went in the fish joint. The young man came to our table and apologized profusely for his comment. Turns out he was a chef in the joint and the owner made my friend as a food pro. At that point age was gone. They were both food pros and generation no longer mattered. That’s how I’d like things to be.
Yeah, that’s clearly why a lot of people are pissed at Warren going after Bloomberg instead of Bernie. Like I said, a LOT of Bernie’s policies overlap with Warren, so there’s really no point. She’s not gonna sacrifice herself to winnow the field for the milquetoast moderates who have proven to be a bunch of hot air. She actually has the correct instinct going after Bloomberg because she seems him as a genuine threat to the party itself. She’d rather he lose than she be the nominee.
Yes this is his approach.
I would say that it is pretty insulting to POC, women, people with disabilities, etc. And diametrically opposed to our actual lived experiences. He is extremely dismissive to any specific remedies for us, except some empty platitudes for instance during a debate right before a black majority primary election.
Also, in practice, it means we get super fucked while we wait for the revolution and total reorientation of society. And that is hard to take if your kids are being shot in the park right now, or you were gang raped at university yesterday.
When Bernie speaks, the things he chooses to speak about, I think he reveals his fundamental contempt.
Is the approach inherently misogynist. I… don’t know… like you I’d like to think and read about it before saying anything so definitive.
You’re one in a million.
Yes. I think this is right. And I like that about her.
I am worried about Sanders tho. So so worried. And again it’s during a census year. It feels like 2016, Brexit before Trump, Corbyn before Trump 2.
It’s not inherently misogynist, it seems to me, to believe that economic justice is the solution to the problems of women’s social inequality. Such a belief does not, however, excuse such a person’s personal mistreatment of women, nor his tolerance of it in those who surround him.
Haha thanks!
I read a ton. And I make a huge effort to know what I’m talking about, and consider other POVs seriously. I’ve read Hayek, Friedman etc. etc. I used to read all the gop policy guys. It helps you clarify and question your own views. I’m sure people think I’m “strident” here, but it isn’t because I’m ignorant!
It’s nice to meet other people who like to think about stuff.
Sure. That may be true. I’d need to think on it.
My first reaction is to wonder about other types of equality. In political representation. In medical treatment, where research is focused on men’s issues and based on men’s bodies. Would economic equality necessarily eventually fix the rest? Idk.
I have severe endometriosis that has caused me crippling chronic pain. It was never taken seriously by WOMEN doctors. I was literally given a prescription for Percocet and told “if you have sudden intolerable pain, it means your ovary has twisted. You will have about 30 seconds before you vomit and pass out. Make sure you call 911 before then. You will likely need a hysterectomy, but there is a significant chance you could die. So it’s important. Is there anything else?”
Just to be clear, I do not think for a moment that economic justice policies would bring any kind of end to other kinds of injustice, gender or otherwise.
Ah. Yes. Now I understand your point!! It’s not inherently misogynistic even if it is blind to these other issues.
That’s a big part of the question, yes.
That post is a long winded whataboutism. Women have nothing to do with it. That doesn’t mean they don;t get their share of unfair bullshit. They do but women weren’t the subject and no matter how they’re treated their plight has no bearing on singling folks out for their age and using dismissive pejoratives because of that.
OK Boomer has a meaning and I’m not going to dance around it. It’s a dismissal of the Boomer because of the Boomers age. Just as bad as dismissing a woman for her gender but a different argument.
I don’t like any of that category / division crap. I don’t tolerate it in my life and never dish it out.
I’m sorry you feel that way. I certainly didn’t intend it that way.
“Just as bad”? Really? I wonder if you’ve fully considered what you’re saying here.
Boomers as a cohort have comparatively an enormous amount of wealth and power. If someone young, with very likely way less power than you, says ok boomer, how are you in any material way affected? These women at Bloomberg lost their jobs, promotions, time etc.
It’s why reverse racism isn’t a thing. Black people generally have no power. The term “honky” has no power.
For most millennials I know it’s not about age at all, it’s a perception of the cohort’s actual actions — as in votes, policies — that pulled up the ladder behind them and left them with a dying planet. You definitely don’t have to agree in any way with that POV. But it isn’t about age.
I think you are not very used to being treated dismissively. So it feels very bad. Some of us have had to become largely inured to it because it happens 15 times daily.
Anyway I’m sure I’ve driven everyone away with my incessant feminist belly aching, so I’ll log off now.
Yesterday, I think, I posted a scathing criticism of my generation indifference to the future and their contribution to making it a horror story. I said it would be a good idea if young people went into survival mode and voted en bloc for the future. They’ll be alive in it…I won’t.
I grew up with an ardent feminist. My mother. My wife is one and I have an all female staff of 20 to 30 year olds and most of them are too. I like them. They like me. I can cook like a Chef and fix just about anything…
The “just as bad” was careless, I agree – but if we just delete the comparison, the other point was not bad, I think.