Michael Bloomberg Poised To File For Democratic Presidential Primary In Alabama

I would say “but I won’t vote for Bloomberg”, but he has no chance of becoming the nominee.


Great that Bloomberg is spending on gun control. Great that Bloomberg hates Trump.

As Mayor, Bloomberg was absolutely awful on public education, a disgrace. He lost me there.

But mostly, who among Democratic primary voters would pull the lever for this guy? Who exactly is his constituency? He would be done by early-mid March.


Just what we need. Another egocentric billionaire. I have to wonder why. Perhaps the poor guy’s just bored and needs something to do? How about spreading some of that huge pile of money around doing something good. At least he’s not going independent.


Peters has a good intro ad up this morning.

Bloomberg has donated more than $100 million to assorted Democratic candidates in the last couple of years.


I must have missed the part where Bloomberg was sulking in 2016 as an example to his supporters.

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I’m not claiming him to to be “evil”. I’m just saying I think he puts his personal tax rate above all the other things. True, he may just be so self centered that he thinks he and only he is the one to beat Trump, but I suspect that if Warren or Sanders was not proposing a tax increase on billionaires he would not be in the race.


He can’t possibly think he has a real shot at winning, can he? This is the last thing we needed right now in an already crowded field

…although I suppose a billionaire’s own money might be able to buy the election. Silver lining?: his entry may be able to drive people further toward the progressive candidates.


And/or Sanders. The rest are little Bidens.


If this is a backhanded slap at Sanders, it fails for me. He campaigned more for Hillary in my purple swing state than she and Bill combined. Didn’t look like sulking to me. Didn’t look like someone not supportive of Democrats, either.


TL;DR: Michael Bloomberg is very concerned he will have to pay more taxes if one of Dems currently in the race manages to win.


Bloomberg is not my ideal candidate for several reasons. Having said that, I think he’s a safer GE candidate for Democrats than the current top tier. I also don’t think it’s reasonable to limp him in with Steyer and Schultz. Bloomberg has held elected office the other two haven’t. That’s a very big difference. There’s an argument to be made that he his experience is more relevant than pretty much anyone else in the field other than Biden. Also he has a long record of supporting gun and global warming causes, which are both critically important.

Again, not my ideal candidate, but I also dont think it’s fair to lump him in as another trumpian vanity candidate.


The big question now is: What fraction of Steyer’s support will shift to Bloomberg?

This is gonna reshape the whole race. Can we get some think pieces on what this means?


I don’t see the problem if he enters the primary. He’s not going to get very far and its certainly better than a third party run.


I tend to agree. It’s obviously late in the game (very) but he has $ and name ID. Hard to say at this point how this it plays out. I have to figure there is a chunk of Biden supporters that are uneasy about him but remain in the Biden camp due to lack of any clear centrist alternative since none of the others have been able to get any real traction. To me, that still remains the biggest surprise in the nomination thus far and I think it’s mainly the result of too much fragmentation, which allowed someone with huge name ID to have pretty sticky support. But what do I know…

Very droll.

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Encouraging Bloomberg’s run is the surest way to botch the job. The Conservadems and Third-Waysters will grease the skids for Trump’s 2nd term this way, giving Trump ample opportunity to solidify his dictatorship. Just because progressivism puts these red-dems’ panties in a bunch!


Bloomberg would be entering the contest in the primaries as a Democrat—not 3rd party or independent.

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You can’t appeal to a Republican unless you are a Republican. I’m so sick of hearing about that strawman right-wing independent out there who probably cleans his or her gun every night, so Bloomberg wouldn’t even appeal to them anyway. Fall back, Michael. Sit down, Michael. Shut up, Michael.

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There’s one deluded billionaire in the primary already, and it’s going fine. I’m sure it can handle a second.

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