Michael Bloomberg Poised To File For Democratic Presidential Primary In Alabama

Hurray. The Republic is saved. Thank god for our billionaires, riding in to save the people from their own folly.


Steyers is trying to tack against the wind. And we all know Trump has to be impeached, thrown out, prosecuted, convicted and punished. Bloomberg carries that “moderate” flag, and that has me worried he’ll peel off purple-dog dems.

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But only if the definition of sulking is “going all in” for Hillary Clinton…


If he wins the primary, I’ll happily support him as the nominee. If he loses, he’ll be one of a huge crowd of people who didn’t, and God bless 'em all.

I’ll get concerned when he starts talking up a third-party run. Until then, seriously, what’s the problem here?


If he wins, we’ll all hear the air leaking from the balloon. If he loses, he has the resources to make a third-party run and strip off purple-dog dems.

Aside from that, it’s telling that coronation enjoyed by “moderates” isn’t offered to any progressive, even if they naturally rise to the top of the polls.

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I have no idea what you’re saying about the case in which Mr. Bloomberg wins the nomination, and I’m pretty sure you don’t either.

As to the case in which he loses the nomination, it’s inconsequential. He has the resources to make a third-party run in any case. His participation, or not, in the Dem primary doesn’t change this.

This business about a coronation and moderates and whatever is a return to your form from the opening sentence–it’s a tone poem without an obvious concrete meaning.

There’s also talk of Eric Holder entering the race. I think he should have done just this a long time ago.


My apologies for being late to the party, but that doesn’t change my response to this news:



Syphilis at work.

I do know what I’m saying if Bloomberg wins the nomination: Enthusiasm and participation will wane, and Trump skates to a 2nd term.
Whether he chews holes in the Democratic planks from within or shoots across the bow may be inconsequential to you, but the differences would be apparent to a serious student.
Same with the coronation previous to primaries-obvious reference full of meaning to anyone astute.
Since you are only baiting and not offering anything constructive, I will stop responding to your posts.

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Mr. Bloomberg wouldn’t be my first choice of nominee. But in the event that he wins the primary, I’d have to conclude that he’s got virtues that aren’t apparent to me but are apparent to my fellow Dems. If he were to pull off a miracle like that, I can’t imagine any basis on which I could confidently proclaim that “enthusiasm” will wane, unless I’m speaking of my own personal enthusiasm, which I don’t imagine to be interesting to anyone but myself.


I’m not convinced that enthusiasm will wane really almost no matter who the nominee might be. I’d vote for a chewed piece of gum if it were running against Trump. A boring but competent candidate isnt a bad thing running against the daily drama queen. Would I prefer the 2nd coming of Obama/hope/change, sure, but I’m not convinced that’s warren, Sanders, or biden.

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What does Bloomberg know about the rest of the country?

Probably not a lot? Then again, he’s entering the Alabama primary. So here’s his opportunity to prove that he does.

Let’s be clear, I’m hardly clamoring for Bloomberg specifically. Having said that, to answer your question, I think it’s an absurd standard. Really, how many of the candidates know everything about the rest of the country. The guy was the mayor of the biggest city in the country for 12 years. That’s not nothing.

How much does mayor Pete know about the rest of the country? How much does Sanders know about the rest of the country? I mean you can go down the list…I just dont think that’s a reasonable standard. Is he a billionaire, yes. That shouldnt in and of itself disqualify the guy.

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Meh, he is only registering for the Alabama primary over any other state because their deadline for the primary means it is now or never. No reason to think he is going to give it any additional focus over any other state.

  1. that tweet is a hypothetical

  2. though I added Biden’s name to it, that tweet suggested that if either Warren or Sanders is the nominee, an indy candidate might be able to help Trump win.

  3. though he’s reportedly running as a Democrat, if he loses in the primaries, will he back the nominee?

Does it matter that appealing to the primary electorate is not the same as appealing to the larger pool of (potential) voters in November?

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One isn’t allowed to dispute centrist beliefs, especially when the sourcing is “centrist gossip on Twitter.”

I’m looking forward to all the “but he’s not a Democrat!” centrists attacking Bloomberg with the vigor that they attack Sanders.


It does in my mind. Certainly when combined with “won elections as a Republican”.

I’m doubting his commitment to Sparkle Motion.