Maryland GOP Governor Shreds Trump’s Coronavirus Response | Talking Points Memo

Well, more that they only want certain votes to count.


One factoid - more people have already died in Brian Kemp’s Georgia from Covid-19 than died during Sherman’s March to the Sea during the Civil War - which was a “scorched earth” operation.

[historians estimate no more than 3,000 casualties from Sherman’s March - while Covid-19 deaths in Georgia are now estimated to be over 3,100]


He talks about freddie gray in his book where he called him a "Crips gang–connected, street-level drug dealer with a long criminal rap sheet, well known to the Baltimore City police.” Because he still needed to dog-while to white suburbanites that his life had no value even if he was killed by police.


This is Hogan’s opening statement for his testimony before the Senate in February. He finished it early and figured there was no sense holding onto it for six months.

I agree with a lot of posters here that it will be hard for Hogan to get through the primary, but if he does it may be trouble for Dems. His popularity in Maryland among Dems shows the problem Dems have with communicating liberal ideas even amongst themselves. As another poster on a local board said today (I’m reposting it here because I think it does highlight a problem with upper/middle-class centrist Dems that I feel weaken the party sometimes by trying to reach out to hard to republicans)

"Van Jones said “It’s not the racist white person who’s in the Ku Klux Klan that we have to worry about, it’s the white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park.” Marylanders are the perfect example of this, as demonstrated by their love for Larry Hogan.
One of the very first things Hogan did when he entered office was cancel a critical public transportation improvement for baltimore city, and instead divert funds for more public transit in montgomery county, one of the wealthiest counties in the country. There was a golden opportunity to provide greater opportunity for baltimore residents; a way for them to get to better jobs for the first time in their lives. Instead, it was decided that people with already high paying jobs moco should be able to get to those high paying jobs faster.

Marylanders didn’t give a shit because they got to admire a well balanced budget and put on their ‘choose civility’ bumper stickers like they’re somehow making a difference. They like making a difference so much, they re-elected him!

During his time in office, he’s vetoed nearly every cannabis bill that’s come across his desk. Cannabis prohibition laws demonstrably discriminate against black people, and disproportionately affect them. When the most recent cannabis bill (to seal cannabis conviction records) arrived, he had the audacity to veto it because it wasn’t accompanied by provisions on addressing violent crime.

Motherfucker you’re the god damn governor, how can you be so incredibly shortsighted? The best way to reduce violent crime isn’t to go on a crackdown spree, it’s to improve quality of life. How do you improve quality of life? Well for starters YOU CAN GIVE PEOPLE ACCESS TO PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND NOT RUIN THEIR LIVES OVER CANNABIS CONVICTIONS.

Fuck you Larry Hogan, you may not think you’re racist, yet you continue to ACTIVELY contribute to institutional racism. I’m not going to say the state of this country his fault, but he’s absolutely part of the problem. Marylanders need to take a hard look at their values and think about what statement they’re making if they vote in someone similar to hogan in 2022."


Would take a state-level constitutional amendment (which ain’t happening) plus surviving the subsequent legal challenges, notably Equal Protection and the unbroken line of Supreme Court cases affirming the principle of one person, one vote.

Texas GOP platform is always filled with dumb and obnoxious shit that never goes anywhere. It’s purpose is to sling poo against the walls of the delegates’ cages.


Don’t know enough about him to be sure, but if the opponent in 2024 were Harris, my default as of now would be Hogan. She should stay in the Senate, where she can’t do harm individually.

Thanks. I am becoming convinced I need to reduce my diet of crazy to a more manageable level.


OT but related…

U.S. coronavirus data that was available to the public has been stripped from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website, one day after the Trump administration took control of the information. On Wednesday, the administration ordered hospitals to bypass the CDC and send their COVID-19 patient information to a central database to be overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services. The CDC had been regularly publishing data on hospital capacity across the country—but, as of Thursday morning, that information is no longer available. CNBC reports that HHS spokesman Michael Caputo said in a statement to CNBC that the CDC has been ordered to make the data available again. “HHS is committed to being transparent with the American public about the information it is collecting on the coronavirus,” he said. “Therefore, HHS has directed CDC to re-establish the coronavirus dashboards it withdrew from the public on Wednesday.” The CDC has yet to comment.


No numbers = no cases, obviously.


low was when no GOP house members voted for impeachment and only one Gop senator did, and he was only half right. low was when Jordan, Gaetz, D. Collins, et al, conspired to make Mueller’s testimony impossible to deliver. low was when GOP senators let Kavanaugh whine and badger his way through confirmation hearings. low was when Bill Barr …


I traffic in outdated cultural references.


I’ve said before I’m tracking the pace of fatalities in this COVID mess as it relates to the potential of hitting 200,000 by Election eve, 11/2/20. Just thinking hitting that mark might imprint the severity of the situation more firmly in voter’s minds as the last in-person voters go to the polls. With 132 days to go to 11/2 we needed to average 581 deaths a day to hit 200,000. Today there are 110 days to go, and using Johns-Hopkins tallies we need to average 568 deaths, 13 less than 22 days ago. So, deaths per day are definitely increasing.

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Most of that article was written in the past tense, well guess what it continues, the POS could care less about what this is doing to people’s lives. They go to hospitals, lots die, millions have no jobs and the POS says and does nothing. Blast him into outer space.


The proposed system would have electors chosen by popular vote within each state senate district - a gerrymanderer’s dream!


Ok, I’m getting old, but I know this happened more than once in the early going.

Were the tests that Hogan secured for Maryland among those later confiscated by the government and given to more favorable governors for their own use (if distributed at all)?


I find it unimaginable that the Dotard and governors like Stitt and Kemp measure the severity of this pandemic by the numbers of unemployed, rather than the number of infections and deaths. The severity of the virus is measured in economic terms, and nothing else.


I think so, yes.

I refuse to entertain any speculation about 2024 until the year 2024.


It hasn’t helped that he’s come out against Trump more than once, but really the disqualifying characteristic is Mormonism. The evangelicals think it’s heresy and won’t have anyone espousing this religion as their leader.

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