Maryland GOP Governor Shreds Trump’s Coronavirus Response | Talking Points Memo

Biden is up by 24 points in MD, so no need here. Could help in surrounding states like PA.


Only if there is a very robust immune response to Trumpitis.

I live in MD, and no, Hogan deployed the MD National Guard to escort them to a secure location so the Feds could not seize them.


They were sold to the city of Wuhan by Jared.

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Worldometers is still out there and doing just fine. They get their data directly from the State departments of health - no CDC involvement.


No, they weren’t, but there were questions about them when it appeared that they weren’t being deployed. I think he claimed that he was reserving them for nursing homes or something, but it turns out that the kits from South Korea were incomplete:


My governor. Didn’t vote for him even though the Dem challenger was totally lame. Still, he’s been on this and done a good job so far. Some of this is self serving but he gets points for behaving like a responsible adult. Still…google “Beltway Expansion” if you’re interested in how much of a tool he is otherwise. Like Cuomo, he’s really not a hero. Meeting the low bar of doing his job. That’s all.


I have to admit, I’m enjoying the smell of desperation.


“The smell … you know, that gasoline smell …”

OT rant

I would guess most people would say it is now AZ’s turn in the barrel. What I note is that as the cases in my state increase exponentially, the people I know who are catching it is also increasing exponentially (1…2…4…)

Three weeks ago, I could count on one hand the people I knew who had it - and they were mostly the parents of acquaintances, etc - relatives of casual friends.

Now, it is the 42 year old son of a friend of 30 years who is fighting for his life on a vent. It is a nurse I worked with for 9 years who died last week. It is another friend whose parents both have it (one in hospital), and at least 8 nurses and/or doctors that my wife or I worked with directly prior to retiring.

This is all making me slightly unhinged myself. I am having a hard time using adjectives like incompetent and unhinged to describe actions that to me are looking more and more like willful mass murder. I am glad Hogan is criticizing TRump, because it is only criticism by Republicans that even counts it seems. But truly this is becoming more and more of a murder issue than a logistical one. I may be losing the thread a little bit here, but holy shit - where are the pitchforks?


God I’m sorry. I still am in the “I don’t know anyone personally who has it,” category and I can only imagine how awful it feels to know people who are fighting COVID.

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Or, the return of the pre-Newt Gingrich Republican party…


Until there is at least an (I) next to Hogan’s name, this is simply meaningless concern trolling.

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It just speaks to our desire to do anything to avoid more of 2020 :smiley:

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“like a man more concerned about boosting the stock market or his reelection plans.”

Its a GOP strategy to create a large enough crisis to justify intervening or outright canceling elections. Trump knows he’s already lost the actual election.

Well then they will just strategize themselves out of a voice because it’s up the states and if GOP govs want to cancel elections in their states, the Democratic govs can go right ahead and hold them and I see no reason why those votes can’t be sent to Congress and ratified.


My sense is that this has to do with saturation. At day’s end yesterday Texas was at 10927 cases per 1 million people and AZ was at 18046 cases per 1 million. I think when the number starts to exceed 15,000, and if you live in the most affected areas (I am right in the middle of Maricopa county), you are guaranteed to start seeing people you personally know get infected. I doubt many New York City residents don’t know at least one person who has gotten sick - probably more than one. Can probably be explained statistically, but I am just whistling in the wind now.

It just feels like you can see the tsunami getting bigger and closer very quickly.


I agree with your entire comment. Unfortunately.

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I’m not saying its rational, much less workable, but it’s easier to get my head around than governors who are willing to watch hundreds of thousands of their own citizens die.

I’d just say SCOTUS; Bush v. Gore, 2000.

They seem pretty willing to me.

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