Maryland GOP Governor Shreds Trump’s Coronavirus Response | Talking Points Memo

Adams’s Law* strikes again!

*The only time Republicans tell the truth is when they’re trashing each other.


True and I should have clarified that. He would have to run as a conservative Indie appealing to others like him as well as more conservative Dems.

My point being that he could never hope to get the max. share of the Rethugs. It’s the Party of Trump now and they need to live with that.

ETA: Personally, I don[t see Mittens as being seen as a viable option. Yes, I know he’s setting himself up for that position because he really wants to be POTUS. But, I just don’t see a viable opening.


That if Chile’d done better at containing the virus, their first letters would spell out ‘U BIRP MUSIC’?

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It’s going to be a very long time before our country elects a Republican Party Cult member President. They will probably nominate Tucker Carson in 2024. We are talking crazy here.

Ware a mask and practice social distancing and wash your hands often and vote.


I don’t know what he has to say about baltimore’s red lining (some of which continue’s to this day) and the freddie gray story. What were his involvements in maryland governance back then, what are the suburban baltimore voters like?

Romney will not be the candidate in 2024. He failed once in 2008, won in 2012 only by money bombing a horribly weak list of opponents, and then lost the general. He bought his one chance, and lost. They will never give him another shot.

The base hated him back then, and they hate him even more now. That isn’t going to change in 2024. And remember, the dude couldn’t even rally one single Senator to stand with him during the impeachment trial. Not one.


I see what you did there :slight_smile:


He has a snowball in hell chance. The GOP has been thoroughly Trumptized. The GOP 2024 candidate is going to be a loud-mouth, militaristic Nazi, like Tom Cotton or Dan Crenshaw .


Josh just retweeted this.

Proposed Texas GOP platform plank, advanced by temporary committee, calling for State Electoral College system for electing statewide officials.

It’s despicable. They refuse to let votes count.


As grotesque as it sounds, the media needs to empathize (think like him) with Trump and Confederate Republicans on intentionally bungling the containment of the corona virus and keeping Americans safe.

Trump and the Confederacy are intentionally bungling our efforts on Corona…so they can maximize the deaths and fear of voting among all low income and inner city Americans to kill Biden’s chances! Trump and his administration see Corona as the best way to retaining power!

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First thing I noticed was Russia was number four in the world in cases and failed to make the top ten for deaths. What are you looking at?


We had been down to 300 new cases a day, but are now back up to 600 - 800 new cases a day - where we were around Memorial Day.

Governor Hogan is putting the blame on city and county officials for not enforcing mask orders - ignoring the possible contributions of his (limited) reopening of indoor dining, churches, and other businesses and his reopening of amusement parks, beaches, etc.

Maryland is doing some things better than other states - but Hogan is no Cuomo.


I suspect a President Biden may not run in 2024 anyway, but his VP will be well-positioned. I can see Hogan running too, but will get laughed out of the GOP primary.


I don’t think Biden’s going to run in 2024. That’s why he calls himself a “transition” candidate, and why his VP pick is important. I think he’ll win this year no matter who. But do we want to go back to Republican fun and games four short years after that? That’s the issue with his veep and he knows it, as sure as he knows he’ll be 81 in 2024.


The spouse thing has not hurt Mitch McC too much. Larry’s mining the same vein as Baker and Scott, moderate and competent NE gov’s. They got elected via split-ticket voting from Dem-leaning voters who think of an R gov as “adult supervision” of their local D rep’s. So their only play is competence–and this has worked out well for them in terms of popularity in their states.
The people talking about Hogan in 2024 are thinking wishfully. They suppose a massive rejection of Trump inside the party. More like 2032, I’d say.


And when Mitt effing Romney is hailed as a principled hero.


Wow, Texas is on the cutting edge of completely eliminating actual voting. I don’t know whether to be impressed or just continue crapping in my pants with fear.


I suspect the GOP will be split in 2024. You’ll have the Party-of-trump GOP and a Lincoln-Project GOP fighting to see who becomes the ‘other’ major party in the US.

A split because trump’s supporters currently control the GOP’s primary system (blocking Lincoln-Project candidates), but their ability to win general elections will continue to degrade.




Hogan just had a book published that does mention Freddie Gray’s deaths and the events that followed, but I haven’t read it.

The Baltimore Sun has, and they have questions about his account, some are minor while others could indicate a bit of ‘selective memory’: