Man Toting ‘Unauthorized’ Inauguration Pass And Loaded Gun Arrested In D.C. | Talking Points Memo

The restrictions can be very funny. I got to reading Southwest’s rules on this years ago and they said you can bring a parachute as checked luggage or you can carry it on but you may not wear it during flight. :grin:


Simple answer: It’s TEXAS.

I so hope she was carrying her phone and that there are pictures.

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The halls are all filmed 24/7


Before she went to the…umm…dentist. :rofl:

When you register DNS names and/or IP addresses you can use an anonymizing service to keep your details private. This can be bypassed when needed (eg law inforcement investigations, etc) but it helps cut down on spam, etc so is quite common.

Last night I came at it a different way, first identifying the host IP address using a different lookup tool, then tracing the address via WHOIS, and it definitely looks like they’re using a Russian company (DDOS-Guard Corp) either for hosting or as a proxy to mask the real IP address and host.

More details in this thread, for those who missed it:


:joy: It’s also not an acceptable middle school science fair project, says former middle school science teacher.


Other than some randos on a comment board for a US based political reporting site …

It’s got huge, nasty … Look at the bones!!!


Man. When an orange has bones, it must be some kind of a mutant orange.

It could be a transitional form of life.

That’s just brilliant.

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Oh stop it… that was a LINK not my question. :wink: I’ve forgotten more than most IT guys think they know.
I predate Arpanet… sneakernet… whistling into your phone…

While somewhat interesting… more pertinent would seem to be their funding

Mercer first became widely known in conservative circles in 2012 after Mitt Romney’s defeat in the presidential election. She spoke to a group of wealthy conservative donors at New York’s University Club about what the GOP had done wrong in canvassing and technology operations during the election cycle.[6]

Mercer helped start Reclaim New York with Steve Bannon in 2013.

Yes Al is. I would love to see the world as he does, at least for a little while. Plus to be doing what he has been doing for all these years, and still doing it well. That’ s got to be talent.

Maybe Toonces the driving cat can take Trump for a ride! Sweet!

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I don’t have the slightest doubt that if Donnie heard something in a briefing he thought Putin would like to know, then he would pass it on to the latter directly or though a cutout. He or his spawn might even have a laundry list from Putin.

Many years ago I thought I might do trap shooting as a hobby.
I was naive. It’s a rich man’s sport. Too expensive. Screw that.

To some degree yes. I was there… :slight_smile: What I’m seeing now is honestly nothing like that. Literally bare shelves here. Probably a combination of Coronavirus and panic, but still… and this is in one, fairly blue county in Idaho. I can’t imagine what the “prepper” counties look like.