Man Toting ‘Unauthorized’ Inauguration Pass And Loaded Gun Arrested In D.C. | Talking Points Memo

Ah, the good old days!
Such simpler times…

(excellent suggestion by the way, maybe some few would actually read the TOS)

Looks like someone may be getting paid by the word…

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LIke the young man several years ago, who should have gone to prison,but the judge decided that the way he was raised led to believe he did nothing wrong, so let him go. If he can’t tell the difference between right and wrong, why the hell should he be wandering the streets?




That’s not what happened with the Affluenza kid.

!. He was not charged as an adult, but a juvenile which means the judge was a juvenile justice judge and they see things differently than adult criminal justice judges do. Because the law treats juveniles differently.

  1. There was an intense outcry over that.

  2. Now the kid is an adult and is in adult prison. He ran out on his probation with help from his mother. She also went to jail.


I wonder if the “logistics department” is missing a few appointees over at DHS/DoJ…? Since so much of the Nat-Sec portion of our government is running without a full complement, this wouldn’t surprise me.

I go through approximately 40 rounds a year, reload my own like most around here. (Sound carries a hella long way up here) I don’t know anyone who goes through hundreds of rounds a year. I could walk outside right now and hit an orange at 200 yards cold. The biggest issue I have are local hunters, believing any handy dead end is a swell spot to take their yearly 10-15 rounds sighting in their trusty 7mm Mauser they inherited from dad.


and the trash and dead carcasses they leave.

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Why would you shoot an orange in the first place?

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It’s like chewing gum, if you don’t bring enough to share, then don’t bring any at all.

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That’s the counteragent for what was injected into the lower back of your head just above the medulla oblongata. Don’t worry about it.

For looking like Donald.

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In my case it was used to launch small “rocket ships” made from aluminum cigar tubes. With a good cork and the right mix, you could shoot one 50 ~ 60 feet up, easily.

Funny, I never thought of it as an explosion either. I suppose it qualifies though.


If you are a VA resident, are you able to get a DC license? (Different states have different rules. In NY and MA, out of state people can get gun permits, although handgun permits will likely be to the effect of “as long as it’s in a secure container in your trunk.” They do all the usual background checks, something that would likely disqualify a nutbag.)

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Except an elected nutbag, or a nutbag duly appointed to an official position.

Technically yes, but it’s a very convoluted process, D.C. likes to make it very hard for folks to be licensed.


You win the Internets tonight

Yeah, I had to give one up like that out of my camping gear.

You can buy unused bear spray at a 50% discount in the pawnshops in Bozeman MT which get it in bulk from TSA discard bins from folks departing for home after visiting Yellowstone.



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Something something sublimal-Freudian complex


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